Guitar Pro 6 is free if your teacher provides it. If you cannot get Guitar Pro 6 then try Tux Guitar which is free. They both have scales built into it.
If you want Guitar Pro 6 you can literally buy it for $30 bucks or you can buy the newer guitar pro 7 for $60. It comes with all the instruments you need.
This is few of my pieces I created in Guitar Pro 6.
An"I" Chord leads to any chord so usually you want to start with that chord.
a "ii" Chord leads to V, vii chords
a "iii" chord leads to ii,IV,V,vi chords
a IV chord leads to I,ii,V,vii chords
a V chord leads to I, and vi chords
a vi chords leads to ii, IV, V
a vii chord leads to a I chord
if I were you I would avoid the vii chord for most of the time.
if you are confused that's fine think of it like this. A I is the first note of the major scale. A ii is the second note of the major scale . A iii is the third note of the major scale and so on.
For the chords the bass note is the roman numeral for the chord. For example a I chord has a bass note that has the first note in the scale or C.
As far as chords go a major chord is made up of the 1st note the 3rd note and the 5th note in the relative key of the major scale
so for c major chord(c major scale: C D E F G A B C) you would play the first note (of the C major scale) C the third note E and the fifth note G.
For a D Major chord you would play the D major scale to figure out how to play it.
so for D major chord (D major scale: D E F# G A B C# D) you would play the first note(of the D major scale) D the third note F# and the fifth note A.
So knowing that how do you play a minor chord well it is 1 b3 5. Or the first note the third note shifted a half step down and the fifth note.
So for c minor chord(C major scale: C D E F G A B C) you would play the first note C the third note shifted a half step down Eb and the fifth note G. So C Eb G
so for a d minor chord (D major scale: D E F# G A B C# D) you would play the first note D the third note shifted a half step down F and the fifth note A. So D F A.
so for major chord it is 1,3,5
for minor chord it is 1,b3,5
for added spice play seventh chords
so for a major seventh chord it is 1,3,5,7
for a minor seventh chord it is 1,b3,5,b7
for a seventh chord it is 1,3,5,b7
if you had guitar pro you can see the neck in the image below. It is the c major scale
I usually like to write more than 2 arpeggios per song. Which acid trance or techno only usually uses around 1 to 2. I can try to but I'll have to write it in different software other than Guitar Pro 6. Guitar Pro 6 does not have techno-like sound effects. Good Sound effects and VST's for techno cost about $500-$1000 dollars which I can not afford. The reason I write music in Guitar Pro 6 is that it literally cost me $30 dollars for my whole set up. Which is just awesome.
good job on this song sounds like true video game music. =) I added it as a favorite. I also make music. Anyways I was wondering what tools you are using for making music?
this is odesi it helps you compose music
Guitar Pro 6 is free if your teacher provides it. If you cannot get Guitar Pro 6 then try Tux Guitar which is free. They both have scales built into it.
If you want Guitar Pro 6 you can literally buy it for $30 bucks or you can buy the newer guitar pro 7 for $60. It comes with all the instruments you need.
This is few of my pieces I created in Guitar Pro 6.
In fact, %100 of my music is created with it. Also, I use it to import midi into other software such as fruity loops.
There is also Odesi Music Composition on steam that basically writes chord progressions for you and generates leads of your choosing.
Although I would recommend Guitar Pro 6 over that anytime.
If you use any other software you are going to need to know theory. But here is a quick tutorial to get you started.
Play all the white keys on the piano it is the c major scale
using the link above play the chords
To play logically take these rules
An"I" Chord leads to any chord so usually you want to start with that chord.
a "ii" Chord leads to V, vii chords
a "iii" chord leads to ii,IV,V,vi chords
a IV chord leads to I,ii,V,vii chords
a V chord leads to I, and vi chords
a vi chords leads to ii, IV, V
a vii chord leads to a I chord
if I were you I would avoid the vii chord for most of the time.
if you are confused that's fine think of it like this. A I is the first note of the major scale. A ii is the second note of the major scale . A iii is the third note of the major scale and so on.
For the chords the bass note is the roman numeral for the chord. For example a I chord has a bass note that has the first note in the scale or C.
As far as chords go a major chord is made up of the 1st note the 3rd note and the 5th note in the relative key of the major scale
so for c major chord(c major scale: C D E F G A B C) you would play the first note (of the C major scale) C the third note E and the fifth note G.
For a D Major chord you would play the D major scale to figure out how to play it.
so for D major chord (D major scale: D E F# G A B C# D) you would play the first note(of the D major scale) D the third note F# and the fifth note A.
So knowing that how do you play a minor chord well it is 1 b3 5. Or the first note the third note shifted a half step down and the fifth note.
So for c minor chord(C major scale: C D E F G A B C) you would play the first note C the third note shifted a half step down Eb and the fifth note G. So C Eb G
so for a d minor chord (D major scale: D E F# G A B C# D) you would play the first note D the third note shifted a half step down F and the fifth note A. So D F A.
so for major chord it is 1,3,5
for minor chord it is 1,b3,5
for added spice play seventh chords
so for a major seventh chord it is 1,3,5,7
for a minor seventh chord it is 1,b3,5,b7
for a seventh chord it is 1,3,5,b7
if you had guitar pro you can see the neck in the image below. It is the c major scale
your best piece so far! = ) I like it.
It is just a courtesy kinda thing. You do not have to but it would be nice.
I usually like to write more than 2 arpeggios per song. Which acid trance or techno only usually uses around 1 to 2. I can try to but I'll have to write it in different software other than Guitar Pro 6. Guitar Pro 6 does not have techno-like sound effects. Good Sound effects and VST's for techno cost about $500-$1000 dollars which I can not afford. The reason I write music in Guitar Pro 6 is that it literally cost me $30 dollars for my whole set up. Which is just awesome.
Thanks glad you like my music.
this one is my facvorite of yours
good job on this song sounds like true video game music. =) I added it as a favorite. I also make music. Anyways I was wondering what tools you are using for making music?
I think I accidently named it cabin fever. lol somehow got the names confused. lol
I was inspired off of this song to make my own. Although yours is better sound quality.