If you add animations in all 4 (or 8, :P) directions, this is my favourite piece on OGA, by a TRILLION TRILLION TRILLION lightyears. G-R-E-A-T job! I may faint, causing my face to fall flat on my keyboakjsbMIsA/[K.
One word. 7 letters. AWESOME. I'm using this in my game 'Dark Dungeons'. Will notify when I'm done with it. Is it OK if I give credit to 'Lucid Design' and not 'Lucid Design Art'?
One more thing: I'm a noob when it comes to palettes and stuff, so could you tell me if I have to include black and white in the palette if I use it it the piece?
This is CRAZY, dude! One of the best pieces I've ever seen!
If you add animations in all 4 (or 8, :P) directions, this is my favourite piece on OGA, by a TRILLION TRILLION TRILLION lightyears. G-R-E-A-T job! I may faint, causing my face to fall flat on my keyboakjsbMIsA/[K.
Looks awesome! Working on some additions now...
Thanks for telling me. Really helpful.
Any news about releasing the 'Tiny Tiny Heroes' package?
One word. 7 letters. AWESOME. I'm using this in my game 'Dark Dungeons'. Will notify when I'm done with it. Is it OK if I give credit to 'Lucid Design' and not 'Lucid Design Art'?
Could you add some characters? Just static would be fine.
Great art! Could you explain the liscense to me?
One more thing: I'm a noob when it comes to palettes and stuff, so could you tell me if I have to include black and white in the palette if I use it it the piece?