I've modified the tileset a bit, including more slopes, ceilings, water features, windows and animated doors. I will update once the windows and flame have been animated. Hopefully someone will find this usefull
1024px x 512px tilesheet with 1px border, 32px x 32px tiles with 1px spacing
Hi, I really like the animations and the other characters on your website. Do you do commission? I was wondering if I could pay for additional animations?
You can email me at saferguson09 at gmail dot com
Woooaah, this is absolutely stunning!! Thank you for releasing it, very generous!
Very beautiful tileset!!
I hope you don't mind but I have created 22.5 degree slopes by hacking your tileset about. Thought I would share, someone might find then useful :)
This is a beautiful tileset, thank you :D
I've modified the tileset a bit, including more slopes, ceilings, water features, windows and animated doors. I will update once the windows and flame have been animated. Hopefully someone will find this usefull
1024px x 512px tilesheet with 1px border, 32px x 32px tiles with 1px spacing
Amazing, I was very happy when I saw that this had been revived. Really good to see slopes!
I have edited the bottom slopes for underwater as I want to create swimable areas with collision..
[edit] Oops noticed I forgot to add the darker borders and water... done!
Hi, I really like the animations and the other characters on your website. Do you do commission? I was wondering if I could pay for additional animations?
You can email me at saferguson09 at gmail dot com
Cheers, nice to see a fellow Monkey programmer here :)
Thank you these look awesomely retro!
Thank you so much, these are incredible! I love the animations, very very useful for prototyping :D
Thank you so much Kenny, they look so awesome! A nice expansion could be some collectables/pickups for armour, weapons, ammo, health, lives, etc.
Thank you these are awesome! If you plan to expand on these further please can you make different weapon attachments?