Well, I used Inkscape and several sprites for inspiration. Some shapes were automatically created with Inkscape's bitmap-to-vector tool. Other were "hand drawn" with the pen tool. Then it was just adding a white border to the final shape, duplicating it and pasting a resized black silhouette at the back to give the cartoonish effect.
I'm honored!
I guess they are monster drops, will download and play one of these days, thanks for choosing my ham!
Awesome, didn't see it in the preview pics, could you share a screenshot where I can see my Ham in action? :P
I require a tutorial! :)
Then my full name is "Daniel Belohlavek"
Are you @cdgramos? I'm @dbhvk
Glad you liked it :)
Then please come up with an awesome game... with cheese!
I don't think so, I'm pretty sure I've deleted it when I formatted my PC about 6 months ago.
Anyways I'm gonna check and update this if I find something :)
Well, I used Inkscape and several sprites for inspiration.
Some shapes were automatically created with Inkscape's bitmap-to-vector tool. Other were "hand drawn" with the pen tool.
Then it was just adding a white border to the final shape, duplicating it and pasting a resized black silhouette at the back to give the cartoonish effect.
Finally, I've exported as transparent PNGs.
Hope I was clear enough :)
UPDATE: Forgot that I didn't own the actual HTML5 Logo, updated the license :)