@capbros If I am going to use other peoples' stuff in the jam, I'm likely going to need to edit it anyway in order to make it all fit within a coherent package, and as such I am more comfortable working with my own stuff after all.
I could of course make a game where, intentionally nothing is coherent, that just seems kind of kliché imo.
Added another doggo - they both want to become biggest doggo in teh yard and competition is FIERCE.
Thanks, it's a nice doggo yes
You should! Maybe we should get back into a collab for the game jam?
It can only get better than this terrible doggo game :/
I am using it in my game as a nice field for the doggos to play on ^^
What a nice little doggy!
That's so long! I was hoping it was gonna be in May or something!
Another one of those MedicineStorm jokes I suppose...
@capbros If I am going to use other peoples' stuff in the jam, I'm likely going to need to edit it anyway in order to make it all fit within a coherent package, and as such I am more comfortable working with my own stuff after all.
I could of course make a game where, intentionally nothing is coherent, that just seems kind of kliché imo.
Just as long as you don't make the time limit as restrictive as Ludum Dare :P
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