@capbros I get what you mean, but I think many people including myself would prefer to spend their time drawing rather than writing what is essentially a manual for their own artwork. Nonetheless, I will see if I can include such a file when I am entirely finished with this project.
What do you think the png's should be named?
The NES palette thing looks interesting, but these graphics were never meant for an NES game to be honest XD
Interesting proposition!
I've been wanting to make an RTS or another strategy game too lately.
If these are in demand I will definitely do more for the time being. What should the second faction be? The French?
I tried your demo!
You should probably add a quit button. Other than that it seems competently made, though it is very early like you say.
What sort of art style are you going for?
Well, this is cute!
I see, yeah that is a nice idea, for an RTS maybe.
No problem, I also have to admit to being very easily confused.
Call me an idiot, but I don't get what that ronny guy has to do with my art at all, unless it's some sort of sarcastic meme. :P
What does "abusing the pixels" even mean to begin with?
The palette you applied actually reminds me of "Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade" for the NES...
@MNDV.ecb Where is your proof that capbros abuses assets from this site? Are you trolling?
@capbros I get what you mean, but I think many people including myself would prefer to spend their time drawing rather than writing what is essentially a manual for their own artwork. Nonetheless, I will see if I can include such a file when I am entirely finished with this project.
What do you think the png's should be named?
The NES palette thing looks interesting, but these graphics were never meant for an NES game to be honest XD