ALso, freedink art assests are ZLIB licensed ecept for some sounds under other free licenses so you could look there for inspiration for monsters (the slasher and bonca)
I haven't had much luck running terasology. My compy isn't that great :C
It should be noted that terasology uses the good morning craft textures whose license field reads "all rights reserved" so only the code is free and open
Yeah, if you public domain it GPL becomes both redundant and non applicable
One step closer to being able to do a free as in freedom sims alternative <3
Mo' furniture-er, mo' better
yeah, cc0 makes all those other licenses pointless...
haha nope
you know, if there fetching/eating/playing ect animations this would be good for a nintendogs clone.
a nintendogs clone where you kick ass and chew bubblegum :p
good on you for doing this, will be very useful
ALso, freedink art assests are ZLIB licensed ecept for some sounds under other free licenses so you could look there for inspiration for monsters (the slasher and bonca)
Funny, I was just looking into learning NES assemby and making games for it as a hobby. is this a sign sent from gnu/god?
I have been shown the one true path, developing free software for an 80s gaming system!
Thanks are fue to the contestants who drew the LPC constest entires and whoever did the base stuff(redshrike?) :P
I haven't had much luck running terasology. My compy isn't that great :C
It should be noted that terasology uses the good morning craft textures whose license field reads "all rights reserved" so only the code is free and open