I created a map for https://www.mapeditor.org/ with this pack.
Here are the tmx/tsx files to be copier at the root of the pack: https://lufi.stemy.me/r/kwYAx1WYjF#m7aMdyHFhajvukux1+DgvDZ/JjCze8d8q9g+B...
And here is a double jump animation, because every cool platformer hero can double jump.
Here is an attempt to add a jump animation.
(Same licences)
What are the coordinates/sizes of animations/frames?
For the scale effect, I use glScale with a linear increasing value from 1 to 2.
I try to get on Steam through Greenlight: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=187107465
I use it to test Crafty.js : http://bci.im/paflaballe/ (arrows to move, x to shoot, c to change player).
What are those rectangle in the timeline?
Here is a rotsprite scale/rotate tool: http://www.pineight.com/pc/
I created a map for https://www.mapeditor.org/ with this pack.
Here are the tmx/tsx files to be copier at the root of the pack: https://lufi.stemy.me/r/kwYAx1WYjF#m7aMdyHFhajvukux1+DgvDZ/JjCze8d8q9g+B...
And here is a double jump animation, because every cool platformer hero can double jump.
Here is an attempt to add a jump animation.
(Same licences)
What are the coordinates/sizes of animations/frames?
For the scale effect, I use glScale with a linear increasing value from 1 to 2.
I try to get on Steam through Greenlight: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=187107465
I use it to test Crafty.js : http://bci.im/paflaballe/ (arrows to move, x to shoot, c to change player).
I use it to test Crafty.js : http://bci.im/paflaballe/ (arrows to move, x to shoot, c to change player).
What are those rectangle in the timeline?
Here is a rotsprite scale/rotate tool: http://www.pineight.com/pc/