Here is the thing: if I give up one thing per request, soon there will be nothing left. Joking aside, yeah, let us keep the set of requirements fixed. :)) There will be no "first pass", as soon as a team of people assembles, I will provide the resources and in a six month the team will come up with a small full-featured game. But as for the same dungeon every time -- its fine. It does not have to be random maps.
Yeah, it is a nice project, has more features than required :) I wish it was not browser based. But I personally have not objections if people make a game based on that, cutting down some features.
@andrewj, sorry to hear that. Windows version works like a charm. The set of example programs is good, documentation is decent. Anyway, there are other game engines (irrLicht, ogre3D) and you are free to choose.
May I suggest Panda3D ( It is free as in freedom, feature-rich and supports Python and C++. Unity is a monster, benign and powerful :) However, it is up to you.
That is a nice looking project, too bad it is not being developed any longer. As for the art not available -- quite an expected situation.
Oh, that looks nice. Its a good start, andrewj.
Yeah, lets wait a bit and see. I too hope more people will join.
Sounds good, let me know when you are ready to start and I will provide the link to the resources.
I have no preference for the game engine. Darkplaces is as good as any other. So I will count you in, thank you.
Here is the thing: if I give up one thing per request, soon there will be nothing left. Joking aside, yeah, let us keep the set of requirements fixed. :)) There will be no "first pass", as soon as a team of people assembles, I will provide the resources and in a six month the team will come up with a small full-featured game. But as for the same dungeon every time -- its fine. It does not have to be random maps.
My experience: too slow, unless you optimize it insanely. I gave up on BGE, except for quick prototyping.
What about irrLicht? Ogre3D? (I tried the former -- seemed decent).
Yeah, it is a nice project, has more features than required :) I wish it was not browser based. But I personally have not objections if people make a game based on that, cutting down some features.
@andrewj, sorry to hear that. Windows version works like a charm. The set of example programs is good, documentation is decent. Anyway, there are other game engines (irrLicht, ogre3D) and you are free to choose.
May I suggest Panda3D ( It is free as in freedom, feature-rich and supports Python and C++. Unity is a monster, benign and powerful :) However, it is up to you.