If possible, a link back to either my youtube (http://www.youtube.com/user/silverblazebrony), my soundcloud (http://www.soundcloud.com/planetary-confinement) or my reverbnation (http://www.reverbnation.com/planetaryconfinement). Along with one of those put my name or band name (Name: Sterling McKay. Band name: Planetary Confinement)
and that's it.
I really like this one. It sounds like something i would hear in the ice-wastes in the first Metroid Prime. Very well done!
*Two thumbs up*
If possible, a link back to either my youtube (http://www.youtube.com/user/silverblazebrony), my soundcloud (http://www.soundcloud.com/planetary-confinement) or my reverbnation (http://www.reverbnation.com/planetaryconfinement). Along with one of those put my name or band name (Name: Sterling McKay. Band name: Planetary Confinement)
and that's it.
I really like this one. It sounds like something i would hear in the ice-wastes in the first Metroid Prime. Very well done!
*Two thumbs up*