whoops, see you were talking about flash distribution not mobile.
Not sure how the DRM stuff applies to flash distributions, but like I say for this particular piece, contact Sharm and you should be fine.
Tuesday, December 8, 2015 - 06:42
Yeah, that's a good spot, I was going off of the 'appropriate credit' pop up summary which just says:
'If supplied, you must provide the name of the creator and attribution parties, a copyright notice, a license notice, a disclaimer notice, and a link to the material.'
But the full text is pretty clear that just a link will l do.
On that note, I'll go update my update to the FAQ/guidelines to make this point very clear.
It's also worth noting that some licenses do require you to distribute the actual license text.
According to Wikipedia, a web address (URL) counts as a URI:
You are right to be mindful of your package size on mobile platforms, but just for refrence the complete uncompressed text of the CC-BY 3.0 license takes up 20kb of space so it isn't likely to put you over budget.
Since mobiles don't always let users browse around the files in package a URL link in your credits or legal screen should be fine, and (hopefully) much easier to do than trying to replicate the work yourself.
One more thing to note, since you mention distributing CC-BY stuff on a mobile platform, be aware, all the CC licenses above CC0 contain a provision against applying 'legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.' Translation: No DRM.
In this case, pretty Sharm is on record waiving the DRM restriction for all her OGA posts, but you might contact her directly and ask for an exception or that she consider adding OGA-BY-3.0 to the licenses for this work. That license was added more recently and is pretty much 'CC-BY-3.0 sans the anti-DRM lingo'.
Monday, December 7, 2015 - 12:04
No musician here so I'm probably not too much help, but for what it's worth, I've used FruityLoops to make some game music in the past and enjoyed it.
Monday, December 7, 2015 - 11:10
Something to note, with any of the licenses (except CC0), you do need to include a copy of the full text of the license with your project. You don't need to make the player read any of it, but you do need to make sure it is available if they are interested.
To make sure everything is spelled out nice and clearly for my projects, I include a README.TXT file which lists the stuff used under various licenses like this:
This software uses the SDL and SdlDotNet libraries under terms of the GNU LGPL license, see Readme-SDL.txt and LGPL-License.txt for details.
This software uses the OpenTK library under terms of the OpenTK license, see OpenTK-License.txt for details.
Of course, it's polite to also include a mention in any in-game 'Credits' listing you may have.
If you're on a closed distribution format (IOS, PSN, etc) where the player can't just go browse around for your README.TXT file, you may want to a 'Legal' or 'Copyright Information' screen that mirrors the above lanuage and then lists the full text of the license.
Finally, since you mention reading the FAQ and still having questions, I've recently undertaken and effort to revise the license section of the site faq, if you've got a moment, I'd love to hear any feedback you have for it:
whoops, see you were talking about flash distribution not mobile.
Not sure how the DRM stuff applies to flash distributions, but like I say for this particular piece, contact Sharm and you should be fine.
Yeah, that's a good spot, I was going off of the 'appropriate credit' pop up summary which just says:
'If supplied, you must provide the name of the creator and attribution parties, a copyright notice, a license notice, a disclaimer notice, and a link to the material.'
But the full text is pretty clear that just a link will l do.
On that note, I'll go update my update to the FAQ/guidelines to make this point very clear.
It's also worth noting that some licenses do require you to distribute the actual license text.
According to Wikipedia, a web address (URL) counts as a URI:
So just a web link like:
should be fine.
You are right to be mindful of your package size on mobile platforms, but just for refrence the complete uncompressed text of the CC-BY 3.0 license takes up 20kb of space so it isn't likely to put you over budget.
Since mobiles don't always let users browse around the files in package a URL link in your credits or legal screen should be fine, and (hopefully) much easier to do than trying to replicate the work yourself.
One more thing to note, since you mention distributing CC-BY stuff on a mobile platform, be aware, all the CC licenses above CC0 contain a provision against applying 'legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.' Translation: No DRM.
In this case, pretty Sharm is on record waiving the DRM restriction for all her OGA posts, but you might contact her directly and ask for an exception or that she consider adding OGA-BY-3.0 to the licenses for this work. That license was added more recently and is pretty much 'CC-BY-3.0 sans the anti-DRM lingo'.
No musician here so I'm probably not too much help, but for what it's worth, I've used FruityLoops to make some game music in the past and enjoyed it.
Something to note, with any of the licenses (except CC0), you do need to include a copy of the full text of the license with your project. You don't need to make the player read any of it, but you do need to make sure it is available if they are interested.
To make sure everything is spelled out nice and clearly for my projects, I include a README.TXT file which lists the stuff used under various licenses like this:
This software uses the SDL and SdlDotNet libraries under terms of the GNU LGPL license, see Readme-SDL.txt and LGPL-License.txt for details.
This software uses the OpenTK library under terms of the OpenTK license, see OpenTK-License.txt for details.
I guess you would have a line like:
This software uses the artwork '16x16 Snowy Town Tiles' by Sharm, available at http://opengameart.org/content/16x16-snowy-town-tiles and used under terms of the CC-BY-3.0 license, see CC-BY-3.0.txt for details.
Of course, it's polite to also include a mention in any in-game 'Credits' listing you may have.
If you're on a closed distribution format (IOS, PSN, etc) where the player can't just go browse around for your README.TXT file, you may want to a 'Legal' or 'Copyright Information' screen that mirrors the above lanuage and then lists the full text of the license.
Finally, since you mention reading the FAQ and still having questions, I've recently undertaken and effort to revise the license section of the site faq, if you've got a moment, I'd love to hear any feedback you have for it:
@gamejammers: Hey, I recognize those skeletons and goblins too! ;)
Glad they were of use! :)
Yay! Thanks for fixing this!
So it was just somebody remotely exploiting a PHP script to send garbage emails and not someone gaining login on the server itself?
Just curious, and it's ok if you can't or don't want to answer! ;)
whoah, just got a ton of mails, going to guess the mail daemon is alive again?
thanks! you remind me, I need to double check about that missing row of pixels, I can't recall if I ever uploaded a fixed version or not. :)
Any update in this?
love it! Very 80's arcade!