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Active Forum Topics - (view more)
- Change Username Requests by SkyshipDev
- Building a Library of Images for Everyone by Eric Matyas
- psx female model by enetant
- Licensing of art for Unity Asset Store demo by AntimSoftware
- 2D artist needed for an almost-finished puzzle game by segfaultxavi
- Sharing My Music and Sound FX - Over 2500 Tracks by Eric Matyas
- please i need someone to make logo by Genokrypto
- Manic Minutes by Technopeasant
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- Re: 16x16 Puny World Tileset by Earthia
- Re: 8-bit - The Quiet Spy by Hugues Ross
- Re: Sideview Sci-Fi - Patreon Collection by judosucks
- Re: F-15 by Nightingale33
- Re: Medieval: The Old Tower Inn by denerim11
- Re: N64 Lasers by n64guy
- Re: N64 Lasers by cc.mana
- Re: N64 Lasers by n64guy
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Hey folks. :)
Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm back from vacation, and I'm going to be jumping back into OGA 2.0 feature development, specifically art collections (which those of you who have been following the 2.0 development process know are central to the way 2.0 is going to work).
Thanks a lot to the admins for holding down the fort while I was gone!
- bart's blog
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Hey folks!
I'll be out of town on vacation until around the 9th of August. In the meantime, I leave the site in the capable hands of kurt, qubodup, and ceninan. Try not to crash the server while I'm gone. :)
- bart's blog
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Hey folks,
If you're reading this and you're an expert with the Drupal form API (or you know someone who is), I have a difficult question I need some help with. At the moment, coding on OGA2 is held up by this issue, so if I could get in touch with anyone who could help me out, I'd really appreciate it. Rather than retyping the question, here's a link to my post on the Drupal forums:
Thanks in advance!
- bart's blog
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Hey folks!
Just wanted to introduce everyone to the first OGA 2.0 feature: art collaboration!
You can now designate other artists to have edit access to your art. A the bottom of the left column of the art submission/editing form, you can enter a list of usernames of people who you'd like to be able to update your submission. If you already submitted some art and decide later that you want to collaborate with someone, don't worry -- you can add and remove collaborators at any time.
Please note that this feature is still very new, so if you run into any issues, let me know.
Peace out,
P.S. This week's Art Challenge is coincidentally about collaborating with other artists!
- bart's blog
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Don't worry about your medals. I'm currently working on making them work correctly, and any medals lost in the meantime will be restored.
Update: Medals should work now. If they don't, please let me know.
Also, we've got several new medals:
- "Popular", which you receive if people favorite your art.
- "Art Contributor", which you receive for your total number of art contributions.
- "Audio Contributor" has been split into Sound and Music categories.
- "Texture Contributor" for people who have contributed textures.
- "Document contributor" for people who have contributed documents.
- bart's blog
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