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Active Forum Topics - (view more)
- Sharing My Music and Sound FX - Over 2500 Tracks by Eric Matyas
- Creating isometric tilesets with Blender by NetSysFire
- Change Username Requests by SkyshipDev
- Building a Library of Images for Everyone by Eric Matyas
- psx female model by enetant
- Licensing of art for Unity Asset Store demo by AntimSoftware
- 2D artist needed for an almost-finished puzzle game by segfaultxavi
- please i need someone to make logo by Genokrypto
Recent Comments - (view more)
- Re: 512 Sound Effects (8-bit style) by Cactys12
- Re: Catmint by mentassss
- Re: Goodbye to Friends by Elbon Eastmage
- Re: Inferior Deity by Windheart_dev
- Re: Chess Pieces and Board squares by JohnPablok
- Re: Brain-Robot by n64guy
- Re: Blaster Kit by MedicineStorm
- Re: 16x16 Puny Dungeon Tileset by Titanio Verde
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Hey folks!
So, OGA has a list of feature requests that's a mile long, and I, as the lone developer, simply don't have enough time to tackle them all. If you're an experienced php coder (particularly if you know Drupal), OGA could use your help debugging and adding new features. If you'd be interested in volunteering your mad coding skillz, please reply here or send me a message with the contact form.
- bart's blog
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Quite a traffic spike we're getting today. Those of who who haven't seen OGA before, welcome to the site. We're glad to have you here. :)
Feel free to browse around, grab some content and use it in your projects (in accordance with the license terms, of course). And if you're feeling generous, why not grab a random model or texture off of your hard drive and upload it for the community? You'd be surprised what kinds of objects would come in handy for a game.
P.S. I'm a different Bart than the guy on BlenderNation. :)
P.P.S. Follow OGA on Twitter!
- bart's blog
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Just wanted to let everyone know that we've posted a couple of new art commissions.
First, we've commissioned 10 fantasy character portraits (by Zeldyn), to be posted as they are completed. The first one is of a female fighter.
Secondly, we've completed the first of many parts of the OGA Community Tileset (by qubodup, Blarumyrran, and myself), which you can find here.
- bart's blog
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Greetings folks!
We've recently received four new audio tracks, this time for use in sci-fi and action games. Excellent work by remaxim, as always. These songs are:
- Stone Fortress ( )
- Infiltrator ( )
- Feeding Frenzy ( )
- High Tech Lab ( )
For the record, these are worth a listen even if you're not using them in a game. :)
- bart's blog
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OGA has commissioned a bunch of new, freely-licensed content in the last couple of weeks that I'd like to draw your attention to. In the art section, we have a set of 10 pixel art RPG monsters (each in three different color palettes):
In audio, we have five new songs suitable for a fantasy setting:
In the coming days, keep your eye out for a set of pixel art wilderness tiles and a set of fantasy portraits.
- bart's blog
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