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Active Forum Topics - (view more)
- Building a Library of Images for Everyone by Eric Matyas
- psx female model by enetant
- Licensing of art for Unity Asset Store demo by AntimSoftware
- 2D artist needed for an almost-finished puzzle game by segfaultxavi
- Sharing My Music and Sound FX - Over 2500 Tracks by Eric Matyas
- please i need someone to make logo by Genokrypto
- Manic Minutes by Technopeasant
- Bug in Revisions tab? by Emcee Flesher
Recent Comments - (view more)
- Re: N64 Lasers by cc.mana
- Re: N64 Lasers by n64guy
- Re: N64 Lasers by cc.mana
- Re: RPG UI Icons by Genpasha
- Re: Buttonsss by Genpasha
- Re: Old Paper Pack by Genpasha
- Re: Markeus B UI buttons by Genpasha
- Re: Gem Jewel Diamond Glass by Genpasha
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Terry Hancock posted an article for Free Software Magazine entitled 7 Things We Don't Have to Invent for Animation Production (Thanks to Free Software and Previous Free Culture Productions).
He mentions OpenGameArt as one of many useful resources for animation production. My own low-poly human models get a name-check and screenshot. Woot!
It's a big "thank you" to the OpenGameArt community and all its contributors, as well as the free-software, open-content-license community as a whole.
Terry Hancock is part of Anansi Spaceworks and is working on the free content licensed project Lunatics!, a "a new animated series being produced by Anansi Spaceworks which will follow the first true extra-terrestrial colonists in their new life in a Lunar Homestead."
- Clint Bellanger's blog
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Yesterday was kind of a big day for OGA development, essentially the last major feature push before 2.0. You won't see any earth-shattering differences, but you might notice that things are a little bit nicer. Here's what we did:
- Souped up the "active forum topics" block so that the title links to the forums, and the forum name is listed along with the forum post.
- Replaced the image captcha with a much less annoying custom text captcha. It's not likely that bots will be able to break it, as it would require custom code for specifically beating OGA's captcha, and I don't think we're big enough to warrant the effort. I'm sure the occasional human spammer will still manage to get in, but this should at least stop the bots that can defeat ReCaptcha.
- Fixed preview images on the front page and search pages so that they're really 120x90 instead of 640x480 and scaled down. This should make the front page load a lot faster and cut our bandwidth consumption down somewhat.
I'd also like to call your attention (particularly visiting artists) to the Open Commissions Forum, where we post art bounties. As of this posting, we're offering $30 for a fairly simple 3D animation (the model you'll be animating is already created, and it can probably be done with a Blender particle system). If you're a game project lead and you'd like to commission art directly, you can feel free to post an offer on the forum. If you're an artist who is open for commissions, post there and let us know.
I mentioned this yesterday as well, but here's a reminder: If you're an expert on any of the areas that we've created new forums for, comment here and let us know. We'd love to get some new forum maintainers. It's a great way to participate in OGA if you're looking to do that. :)
- bart's blog
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It was pointed out to me the other day that it might do us some good to expand our forums a bit in terms of the number of discussion topics available. Obviously, our forums aren't going to be everything for everyone, as OGA has a very specific aim, but it's also true that there are a lot of areas that pertain to game art (particularly relating to FOSS) that we aren't really touching on. So, here's where I need you guys:
If you're looking to participate in OGA but you're not quite sure how, we're looking for ideas for new forums, particularly from people who would be willing to become the maintainers for those forums. This would essentially entail keeping an eye on your designated forum and making sure that any questions asked there are answered, as well as generally participating in the conversations there.
So, do you have a skill that you'd like to talk about and pass on to the community? Just reply to this post or stop in and find me (BartK) or one of our other editors on OGA's IRC channel!
Edit: If you check out our forum section, you'll see that a number of new forums have been added. If you'd like to become a forum maintainer for one of those, please let me know. We're also willing to set up a game project forum for you (like we've done with OSARE) if you have a relatively active project and are looking for a place to host a forum. Finally, if you don't want to take on the responsibility of maintaining a forum, but would still be willing to answer questsions on a particular subject, post a comment in the appropriate forum(s) and let people know that you're lurking. :)
- bart's blog
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Hey folks!
If you haven't checked out OSARE for a version or two, now's the time to pick it up and give it another go! pfunked has been hard at work getting things like spells, ranged attacks, a minimap, and the action bar working, and consequently OSARE is now a fun and addicting experience. In particular, making zombie heads explode makes me cackle with righteous glee!
You can check out a YouTube gamplay video here:
- bart's blog
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Hi folks!
Just wanted to say a big thank you to GameBoom for agreeing to host OGA. What this means for the site is that the $200/month I was paying out of pocket for hosting can all go toward additional art commissions. The machine we're on right now is every bit equal to the old one (if not a bit beefier in terms of processor power), and it's hosted by a great group of people (as opposed to the spam-friendly host I used to have, which was on email blacklists and had hours of unannounced downtime).
On a related note, if you happen to notice some slowness over the next couple of days, please note that we're in the process of getting everything tuned correctly, so there may be a few bumps. The default configuration files that come with CentOS tend to assume that you've got unlimited RAM, so I'm making some adjustments. Hopefully the worst is over. Also, if you run into any errors, please leave a comment here (or contact me with the site contact form) so I can address them quickly.
- bart's blog
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