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Active Forum Topics - (view more)
- Sharing My Music and Sound FX - Over 2500 Tracks by shrezird
- Bug in Revisions tab? by Emcee Flesher
- Change Username Requests by TaraSophieDev
- Licensing of art for Unity Asset Store demo by AntimSoftware
- please i need someone to make logo by Genokrypto
- Refractored Depths (Need help with a main character sprite) by xianc78
- GLB and GLTF 3D file formats by LonesomeDucky
- Synths that sound like this track from Galaga Legions DX by AGameCreatorOfA...
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- Re: Depths Metal Mix by WW1 Trench Shovel
- Re: Begginer Sprites by pizzaman19
- Re: Old Wooden Baseball Bat by MedicineStorm
- Re: Begginer Sprites by Ragnar Random
- Re: Explosion Animation by janez
- Re: Battle Theme by WW1 Trench Shovel
- Re: Rubber Step by WW1 Trench Shovel
- Re: Canary by hatmix
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If you have a large number of files (images, audio, 3d models, etc) that you don't want to submit individually, you can now submit them as an archive. Archives can be submitted anonymously, but in that case I can't use them unless you provide attribution information.
- bart's blog
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Over the last couple of days, I've been working on getting some of the kinks out of the site, and I think it's coming along fairly well. My next project is going to be expanding into audio, both sound effects and music. The audio section should debut with an original set of sound effects, so keep checking back over the next few days.
- bart's blog
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Hey folks!
I've just spent the better part of a day getting everything set up and uploading some initial content, generously donated by my talented friend Mandi Paugh. There's not a whole lot here just yet, but I'm hoping I'll be able to drum up enough interest that I can expand the gallery pretty quickly. Failing that, I'll slowly dig up and/or commission artwork until there is enough to generate interest.
Want to help? If you're an artist and you've got some old game art sitting around gathering dust, this is a great way for it to see the light of day. Dig it up, click on "Submit 2D Art" in the upper left corner of the page, and donate your old pixels to a worthy cause. The more, the merrier. Don't be alarmed if your art doesn't show up immediately; I have to review and approve it before it becomes publicly available. Response time should be less than a day, probably a lot less if you submit your art between 9 AM and 11 PM Eastern Standard Time. Note that I plan on eventually accepting 3D art, music, and sound effects as well, but I want to get things up and running first.
Our current goal is to put together enough art that someone could use it to create a Japanese-style 2D fantasy RPG from scratch. To this end, we're especially looking for character sprites, portraits, monster sprites, map tiles, and weapon/item icons. Just to reiterate, though, all 2D game art is welcome at this time.
If you think this idea is particularly awesome and you'd like to help me with the day-to-day running of the site, I could always use another site maintainer or two, people to write articles, and a good artist to do art reviews.
If you're just curious, feel free to poke around, read the FAQ, and if you're up for it, leave your thoughts (good or bad) on the forum.
- bart's blog
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