Pepper and Carrot Pixel Concept Pose
Happy Halloween! Last year I posted my first Pepper & Carrot pixel art on Halloween, so here's another! Several WIP steps are included in the zip to show how progress was made.
It is a redrawing of a scene in comic #20, The Picnic (so was my last piece, I'm not very original). Though it may or may not be considered "concept art", in my mind it is worth including in this game-asset based website, as it shows how one could turn "Pepper and Carrot" into a sprite-based video game with the same approximate look as the comics. Pepper might be the same approximate pixel size in your game, or you may just want to use the palette, or maybe you just needed inspiration that you got looking at this piece. A Pepper and Carrot platformer would be super chouette!
The drawing is my own. However, David Revoy, as the creator of Pepper and Carrot, must be credited as well, according to CC-BY 4.0.
Revoy's preferred form of accredidation for fan art is to include the attribution notice in the picture itself, but for this pixel art work, it is hard to convey the message clearly but subtlely. Please transfer a copy of the Copyright/Attribution Notice when distributing or otherwise maintain the requirements of the CC-BY-4.0 in some form.