ZRPG Tiles
I talked to Jetrel a couple years ago when I made a derivative tree studying his technique. Long story short, I misunderstood what he said and I ended up ripping him off. Jetrel decided to be nice though and he's not making me take it down. Pheww that is very nice of him to let us use these under CC-BY-SA 3.0 or later version.
This is still a WIP but I wanted to share the love that was put into it. So expect some things to get fixed.
I plan to keep expanding this orthographic ZRPG Tileset collection. Next winter I'll do the castle, village, and harbor. During the warm season I'm outside metal detecting.
I need to mention Medicine Storms dungeon crawl submission because I used the block wall tiles to give me a boost when I designed the castle walls. https://opengameart.org/content/dungeon-crawl-32x32-tiles-supplemental
All art used in the preview can be traced here https://opengameart.org/content/zrpg-beach

I'll have the ZRPG Beach tileset submitted tomorrow. That's where the remixed palm tree in that preview will be properly credited. So please be aware that those palm trees aren't public domain.
Thanks for sharing.
Damn, these are amazing!
May I ask, which palette are you using?
Amazing, Zabin! So excited :) Here's my WIP LPC recolor; I'm gonna start over from your new version because I like the organization better.
Also I spot a few Hyptosis tiles in ZRPGtrees.png . May want to add him to your optional credits!
@DarkUranium Originally I started with DB32. It wasn't enough for me with the amount of art I'm remixing. Now it's a hybrid of DB32 and Jetrel's colors. Looks good to me. What's awesome about this is that any art on OGA using DB32 will look good with ZRPG tiles with little or no recoloration necessary. I forgot to include the palette in the zip. I've updated it now to include the palette.
@bluecarrot16 Sweet! It's awesome that your extending LPC's tileset options. If your thinking of using the alpha blended rocks (for under water), I'm still adding polish to those but everything else is perfect. Also the pebbles I made and used Sharm's LPC dirt outline has a few spots I haven't got around to touching up yet. I wanted to make sure she was OK with it being included as CCO. I've contacted her and she gave me special permission to include it here as CCO.
This tileset is amazing, keep up the great work here.
@Sypher Zent Hey I'm looking forward to your game. Please let me know when it's done. I'd love to check it out!
I think this is beatiful
for the license is public domain ??
anyway I think it's one of the nicest things I've ever seen on this site compliments.
what kind of program used to make an image with these details ??
how many hours does it take to design a set of this kind?
thanks for any answers, almost certainly the download is a must: P.
@LucaProject Pubmic domain yeah I know crazy isn't it? It takes hundreds of hours to create this level of detail pixel art. I'm using Gimp. I agree IMO it's the nicest thing on OGA. For an example of how much time goes into this look at the changes I did on my pebbles. I spent about 3 hours already on the new one on the right.
I remember seeing these amazing pixels in google image search on "isometric pixelart" query. I contacted Jetrel about them, when we are going to see the project announced. Back then Jetrel was annoyed at me asking, answered that it is personal project, he doesn't want discussing with outsider, and that he haven't abandoned it. Do you have Jetrel's permission to modify and release them? He surely put a lot of effort into them to just publish it under public domain, without requiring to credit him. Anyway, sad to hear the project is no more.
Yeah, so this was just brought to my attention by Zabin.
Initially I was actually a bit aghast, because I'd initially given him permission to merely study my work - not to redistribute it wholesale. However, after chilling out a bit, I've decided that it'd be a colossal dick move to shut this down (when he's put this much work into extracting usable tiles, etc).
So what I've decided to do is this:
But I'm not gonna shut down the party; he 'borrowed' this out of love, so let's not replace that with hate. I strongly encourage people to not merely reuse these, but try to learn from them - some of the derivative works he's doing here mismatch this to a certain degree - the reason for this is down to outlining style (I used light-dependent outlines, often fading to nothing on highlit edges), and a general lack of volumetric shading on some of his work.
Please don't just use these - please learn what made them good, and try to pay it forward by creating your own inspiring art with whatever you learn from this.
These are a set of assets I made for a fairly nebulous RPG/Tactics project; assuming life goes on without incident, I'll likely get around to making it in the future, but if that day comes, these will probably be a small subset of the actual art from the game, so I'm not really worried about thunder getting stolen. Furthermore, it's nice to have what's here out in the wild, in case life doesn't go as planned, and I kick the bucket early. At least then it gets used for something.
Jetrel, Thanks so much for contributing these beautiful assets. I'm glad we get to use and learn from them.
I think in the future we need to be careful with licensing through informal conversations, as happened here between Jetrel and Zabin. Zabin was clearly under the impression Jetrel wanted these released CC0, and I think that was a reasonable thing to take away from the conversation which he included in the submission (Jetrel: "So, these days, I favor releasing things under the CC0 license, which has no compatibility qualms, ever. Period. I *like* attribution; I appreciate it if folks give me credit. So please do - I just don't want to "legally require" it because that starts making things incompatible with certain licenses."). To be fair, he then goes on to ask again (Zabin: "Let me know how you feel about what license you want the wood tileset under and if my new tree is more then just inspiration") and Jetrel answers that he thinks it's a derivative, but not what license.
It's fine if Jetrel feels he never granted Zabin a CC0 license to use the work, and that marking it as such was an error. But an important part of all of the CC licenses (inclusing CC0, which isn't actually a license but a waiver of copyright) is that they're irrevocable. This protects people who make derivatives (like Zabin in this case) from having those snuffed if/when the original content creator changes their mind about the license. In the case of this submission, it was originally listed as CC0 and is now CC-BY-SA. That's fine if the original license was never granted, but not really fair if the licensor just changed their mind. People may have already started to make derivatives of this great work under the assumption that they could release them CC0, but now they have to comply with CC-BY-SA. Not a huge burden, but kind of unfair. Anyway I think the lesson here is to be sure when you're granting a license via email or elsewhere to be very explicit ("I agree to license these assets under CC-BY-SA 3.0+" or "I agree to release these into the public domain (CC0)" or whatever). Same goes when you're receiving a license; secure a very explicit release that will be unambiguous to anyone else who reads it. Finally, Jetrel you should probably take a look at Zabin's earlier submission which contains a subset of these assets and is still licensed CC0 (and has been for quite a while longer): https://opengameart.org/content/lots-of-trees-and-plants-from-oga-db32-t... Edit: typo
This whole thing reminds me of the quote "one does not simply walk into mordor".
yes, I understand you, I do not know how you can have such great patience to create everything but I congratulate you.
I still do not know whether to use your material because I'm trying to understand the license
For example, is it possible to use it in a commercial game?
However, initially obviously because you were still updating the post was in the public domain and it seemed immediately strange for a material of this value.
I feel bad now. I totally mis-interpreted the conversation I had with Jetrel. My bad. I'm feeling better now that Jetrel didn't make me take this down and he's offered to give me advice for improving some things that don't quite match his style.
I've updated this submission (as well as the one with all the trees) under CC-BY-SA.
I apologise for "borrowing" his work. I love his stuff so much I wanted to play with it. I love mapping up a beautiful fantasy world. Jetrel has been so kind to allow this stuff to stay on OGA under CC-BY-SA and he's not putting a stop to the fun I'm having.
He has plans for a commercial game and because of that I'll do my best to remake the big trees and rocks. That way this stuff will be simular but not looking exactly like his game.
Zabin, don't feel bad! I would have made the same mistake given the conversation you guys had. I think there's a lesson for all of us here, which is to just be really clear with one another; its part of being respectful of everyone's work, time, and contributions. I think you've done a great service to the community by making these tiles usable and available.
And hopefully through "studying" Jetrel's art, we'll have lots of amazing "ZRPG originals" to look forward to in the future :)
Btw, looking forward to that updated gravel! It's something that's really missing from my composite LPC terrain tileset...
So I'm using these tiles for a school project and I am not sure how to credit the artists, the description isn't exactly forthcoming. Any suggestions?
At the bottom of the description is the "Copyright/Attribution Notice" also in the zip file is a text credits file.
You should be able to copy/paste that text into your credit's and your good to go. Here's a copy of it.
"ZRPG Tiles" by 95% Richard Kettering aka (Jetrel), Zachariah Husiar aka (Zabin), Hyptosis, Sharm and Open Pixel Project.
Oooh, I see some statues in here. :)
ah! thank you so much :)
I probably won't use them in anything, but damn are they pretty.
Here's the project I used your tiles for! thanks!
Update: I made a new tileable 64x64 grass and applied it to all the grass variations. The older version of the grass looked very splotchy. It's a lot better now. I also shrunk the water submission more to better match this orthographic kinda game. So new grass and water.
Here's what I have planned in the near future:
1. Cave entrence
2. Perfect the water animating on rocks.
3. Explain how everything works.
4. Fix trees that don't fit in.
5. Tweak colors more.
6. Grass transition to sand/gravel needs fixing.
7. More that I'm not thinking of...