Stendhal Death
Saturday, February 10, 2018 - 13:08
Art Type:
Death/Reaper sprites created for Stendhal by Kimmo Rundelin (kiheru).
Sprite details:
- Dimensions:
- death: 48x64
- black & golden: 96x128
- Orientation: N/S/E/W
- Frames: 3 per direction
- PNG images & GIMP source files (.xcf) use RGB color (semi-transparent tiles).
- Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) version 3.0 or later
Canonical link:
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Kimmo Rundelin (kiheru)

I like it. It's well-suited to a fantasy RPG or one with a horror edge. Plus if a person knew how to do it, a front-facing animated monster like this would look cool in a 2.5D first person game. Nevertheless, I have a project where this thing would fit nicely. Thanks! :)
its amazing , ready to go out of the screen , i want to use it in my game , i only need to put your name (Kimmo Rundelin) in my credits ?
@DietChocolate: I am not Kimmo Rundelin. He does artwork for Stendhal. He doesn't put his works here on OGA, but he lets me do it for him. In his works he has the note "Copyright <year> Kimmo Rundelin" (which is what I put in the Copyright/Attribution Notice section). So I would recommend putting that in your credits. Or something like "Death/Reaper by Kimmo Rundelin" or "Death/Reaper by Kimmo Rundelin (CC BY-SA)". But if you want to contact him directly & ask if just putting "Kimmo Rundelin" is okay, he is often available in the Arianne IRC chat room. He goes by the nickname "kiheru".
Edit: Had to edit this. Wasn't paying attention & thought this was under the dragons submission (also by Kimmo Rundelin).