LPC Horses Rework
Monday, September 25, 2017 - 16:07
Art Type:
- 2D::Sprite::Orthogonal
- 2D::Sprite::Sidescroll
- AK: 2.5D Artworks
- Animals, Creatures, Critters, Mobs, and More!
- Animated top down creatures.
- art-for-drachi
- AshenFarms
- Discontinuum
- Epic Pixelart RPG
- long licence fantasy modern game
- LPC - Creatures and animals
- LPC Collection
- LPC Search Full
- Stendhal
- tileset
Reworked versions of [LPC] Horses by bluecarrot16 for Stendhal.
Sprite details:
- Dimensions: 64x64 & 64x85
- 4 facing directions
- 3 tiles per directions (frames)
- PNG images use indexed color (smaller files).
- GIMP sources (.xcf) use RGB color.
- Add more colors.
- Possibly resize to 48x64.
The pegasus's wings are based on lemmling's wings (CC0). Attribution to lemmling is optional.
Original link: https://opengameart.org/node/77472
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
"[LPC] Horses" Artist: bluecarrot16 License: CC-BY 3.0 / GPL 3.0 / GPL 2.0 / OGA-BY 3.0. Please link to opengameart: http://opengameart.org/content/lpc-horses. Reworked by Jordan Irwin (AntumDeluge).

Very cool horse! :)
Sneak preview of my steed kit based on your horse designs! With the exception of the boots in up-facing dir, it works with any body/pants!
@bigbeargames: I like it. :)
Awesome! I hope you'll consider adapting it to the original horses as well: https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-horses
+1 bluecarrot16
Yes, I was fixing to post on the other submissions as well (especially yours bluecarrot) once I had adapted it for all available horses in all cycles except the 11 frame gallop (maybe later). Couldn't help but sneak preview the unicorn though.
I am about a third done. The only graphics added are the boots for up direction and my LPC Male Boots (not submitted yet) which are a rework of the female boots. Only works with boots on. Maybe I can fix this in the future with more partial draws. Won't work with tails, capes, robe skirt, dresses, and probablt some other things.
I created a mask for the leg on side-facing which is the only complex partial-frame draw. I also achieved it using partial-frame draws using 6 draws of combining rectangles. The whole thing is going to be awkward to post, as its most just lists of coordinates. But it sure beats doing hundreds of frames of something new! I also plan to add reigns, spurs on the boots, and maybe a saddle. Saddle would allow expanding to all cycles (hello horse archers!) as it would help hide awkward transitions (i.e. body turns sideways to shoot arrow, making waist far narrow than the wide stance I used for riding)
Not sure I quite understand, but sounds cool, and the results look great! I thought for a while about how to do this in general when I was first making the horse; the best idea I came up with was this:
Your solution seems to allow for the legs to be sorta splayed out in the north-facing direction, and looks much better!
I did almost exactly what you described, except for the east/west. I did not think of doing that! It is a much simpler solution and it is the one I am going to implement for the submission since it removes a lot of the math. As far as being adapted to different footwear, the splaying forced me into boots anyway so thats not an issue :) I am going to redo this all with just overlapping the horse. I guess I overdesigned for the situation, but it was fun to code it.
Thanks Im glad you like the splaying. Do you think the south facing would benefit from the same thing?
My setup does still require some partial-drawing because one of the frames I use has droopy eyes (it is from the cast cycle). For the south facing, for every layer, draw the top 32 pixels from one frame and the bottom 32 pixels from the the frame before it.
I've also been working on an updated horse. Maybe we can combine our work and save each other some time.
Mostly, I've been focused on fixing issues with the animation, the back legs not bending correctly, making both the walk and gallop animation the same length, etc.
I have made a saddle and saddle blanket, which would probably still fit the original horse, though.
Also was working on a (much more complicated than yours) ride animation. It's a lot of work making clothing for it, so I may abandon that.
That is definitely better! But with the drawback of requiring updated art. As far as saving each other, I was going to try to make flying horses, but need legs that look good. East and west gallop from 11 frame can do it but I was going to try to rework north and south to tuck legs more
@BenCreating: I love how you did the rider's legs & arms. :)
I created a pegasus sprite, but I guess I forgot to add it.Edit: Added. Though, it is just a walking sprite & the wings don't currently have any motion.
I want to have mini-games in my game in addition to steeds, and jousting sounds fun! I was thinking the game is about keeping cursor lined up in a box that changes to determine hit, and a sudden DODGE option that will appear at just the right time. Just imagine this image with a longer lance and on the gallop animation
and YES to the pegasus, thank you
Uploaded GIMP source for pegasus.
Technically, my ride animation is about 90% bits from other animations. Pants would need to be almost completely redrawn for North and South, and I think small portions of the arm on East and West, but it might be possible to partially automate the process if someone with the coding skill wants to try.
@bigbeargames I think the legs may tuck more in my updates. I was planning to do reigns before I uploaded my horse, but if you're planning on doing them I might as well upload now. If I have time today I will.
Please continue your efforts. I am not much of an artist, am learning a lot lately but have far to go, so really all I can offer is the other thing you were talking about, partial draws. One day I plan to pick apart every limb and see if I can produce some modular LPC parts that can do new animations without new clothes
You can check out the first rollout here: https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-horse-riding