Bone Texture Pack
Friday, February 25, 2011 - 05:26
Art Type:
This pack is intended for use as texture brushes for 3D modellers, it contains eleven bone textures whose source images were found on wikimedia, their licences were either cc by 3 or GPL1.2+ so they can be packed together under GPL3+attribution. There is a txt file within the zip which also contains atrtibution details. The bones are cow, pig and horse bones.
From wikimedia:
Equus Grevyi 01 - H zell
Cow Horns - Paul Miller
conde Nasenbein grob - Xalbar
Sinus frontalis pig - Uwe Gille
Cow Horns - Paul Miller
As always, if you use these I'd love to know, its not mandatory, but its always nice seing your work being used. :)

I'm using this to make bone-textured dice for a board game! Thanks for sharing these!