30 Authentic Medieval (or at least Old) Paintings
This is a series of historical art pieces i’ve adpated for use as wall-hanging paintings in a more-or-less medival setting. Well-known originals were avoided to maximize the applicability of the paintings to various Medieval-ish settings.
Historical, public domain art was cropped, and sometimes, colored, textured, or otherwise adjusted to look like a painting in game.
The orginal purpose was to create textures for 3D models, thus each image includes a wood texture that can be used to build the frame. But addaptation to a purely 2D purpose should be easy. Some are a matched pair of horizontal paintings.
Each file is 512x512.
All images are public domain in the United States, and most other Countries.
What i’ve taken and modified from the public domain, i release into the public domain.
Included is a list of the source of all the images for the curious, or those that wish to investigate.

awesome color editing! And thanks for the list of names.
Thats beautiful :P
these were fun to do, i didn't want them to go to waste.
> “Well-known originals were avoided”
I guess the definition of “well-known” differs from country to country. The first picture in the preview is the Vasn’ecov’s “Bogatyri”, a very well known piece in the xUSSR countries. ^^
Well, i've included nothing that i recognize from several art history courses.
But i would probably make an exception for "Bogatyri” anyway since it looks much more like something that belongs in the standard heroic RPG world than the vast majority of public domain paintings.
I love these!
These are areally great!
Am I allowed to use these in a game I am making
thank you
-Watching this pictures return me to boyhood, when I learned to play chess from books with similar cartoonized pictures. Pity is so short, i just was started heating, thanks.
converted into 32x32 paintings for the game space station 14