Fractal Alien Landscape Pack
Tuesday, July 23, 2013 - 04:44
Art Type:
These landscapes in this pack were created with OGA in mind, and are intended to serve as epic backdrops. Each image represents many hours of tweaking forumulas and staging photoshoots, typically taking about 8 hours each to render on a high end rig. Hopefully they'll be of use for scifi projects looking to integrate some HD artwork into their game.

stunning look! a word about the software(+addons/plugins) used?
Wow, those are surreal. I second riidom's question :)
These were all made in Mandelbulber and Gimp on Linux Mint, so totally using open source software from the ground up. The only downside to producing these in a an open stack is that it can't export to a mesh or voxel cloud, otherwise I'd be further editing them in Meshlab and uploading the meshes. I've been experimenting with writing python scripts to generate the fractals directly in Blender, but for the most part they take a lot longer to process.
Hmm I MUST use them! How? Dunno yet but I will find it.
Great work.
Stunning work!
Really inspiring! :)
3D fractals are the peak of unholiness. They are beautiful, but, by some primordial mechanism of the mind, they are also terrifying.
Thanks for sharing these amazing fractals :D