Itemazing a free item's pack
Wednesday, August 16, 2023 - 10:45
Art Type:
Get ready for a free pack of tiny fantasy items, perfect for RPGs and other genres.
While you're at it, why don't you take a look at my page?

Nice assets.
A few questions, though:There are a lot of Terms & Conditions in this pack, none of which are compatible with the licenses accepted here. Would you be willing to forego the extra stipulations? They change the license to a proprietary one, which we don't allow.How were these made? Which RPGMaker tiles are these based off of, if any?EDIT: Fixed, thanks! :)
Hey!, first of all thanks for your reply!
Sorry about the license, I got kind of confused about that since it is my first time posting here, I will fix it right away.
Those weren't based on any rpg maker tiles.
Great to hear! These are lovely.
Regarding the licensing, I would be happy to help clarify anything you have questions about. My primary concern is that you are comfortable with the terms you're sharing these assets under. I don't want people to use the assets in a way you don't want. In summary, there are several licenses accepted on OGA, each with slightly different terms:
TL;DR: in order for your assets above to be hosted here on OGA, there cannot be addtional restrictions placed on the assets that the license would otherwise allow. CC-BY-SA forbids extra stipulations like 'no redistribution, no resale', so any such verbiage in the downloadable package and the submission description would need to be removed.EDIT: Fixed, thanks! :)
I just reuploaded the pack here and I completly forgot that each place has their own ways.
Your reply was really useful! already changed it to CC-BY
The only thing left is to remove those same stipulations from the submission's "Copyright/Attribution Notice:" section above.(I saw you breifly had it set to CC-BY-SA. which is also fine if you prefer that one, BTW. It is your prerogative, because these are your assets.)EDIT: Fixed, thanks! :)