Camp fire animation
Friday, December 7, 2012 - 21:18
Art Type:
Edit: I've made a better one here-
Hello everybody :-]
Here's my first animation. It's not perfect, but I wanted to get something into the challenge, hopefully I'm not too late. I'll make it better (whenever I fell like messing around with animation again).
The first campfire frame was made by Jetrel here in this tileset that I've been improving on.
I've included the xcf file incase it's useful, though I plan to improve this later.
The first 6 frames are used in the animation and the last 2 are extras.
Attribution Instructions:
Credit goes to Jetrel and Zabin and link back to OGA.

Well it appears I'm late 18 minutes :( and I can't enter the challenge anymore oh well my bad. It's still 9 PM where I live so my bad.
I feel really bad about that, actually. Since the timezone was unspecified, I'll see if I can put it in manually.
Thanks Bart, no worries. Thanks for the challenge. I was encouraged to make my first animation (the 4 pixels of wick burning on the bomb don't count ;)
Pretty cool!
It looks cooler if the speed is rendered slower. I would of had this in the challenge on time but for some reason I couldn't get the animation saved with a speed less then (100ms).
Wow, this is cool, Zabin. :)
I've finished this camp fire animation. The new one is actually WAY different then this old one. The new camp fire animation flames are pixeled. This old one doesn't seem like true pixel art to me, kinda looks like a blurred out mass of randomness. That's because I made it by copy and pasting around chunck's of existing flames and I didn't get into every pixel dot.
This new one here is pixeled and I've put probally 5 times more work into it, check it out here-