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Farm Taken Over
Description and Notes:
The game is based on a graphic novel (Three Shadows, by Cyril Pedrosa) and a text (House Taken Over, by Julio Cortazar). The goal is to make the player feel something similar to what I felt when i read these works.
Basicaly, it's about some "danger" that aproaches slowly and silently. You see it coming, but it seems there's nothing you could do to fight it. So you may want to just try to keep yourself alive...
How to play:
It's a HTML5 and JavaScript game, so there's no need to compile it. Just open this HTML file in the browser: lpc-italo/LiberatedPixelCup/src/liberated-pixel-cup.html
You should have no problems to play. If it fails to load any image, consider refreshing the page.
Taht's all. :)
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