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- Re: Begginer Sprites by pizzaman19
- Re: Old Wooden Baseball Bat by MedicineStorm
- Re: Begginer Sprites by Ragnar Random
- Re: Explosion Animation by janez
- Re: Battle Theme by WW1 Trench Shovel
- Re: Rubber Step by WW1 Trench Shovel
- Re: Canary by hatmix
- Re: Canary by MedicineStorm
Animated Coins
Here are three coins (Gold, Silver, Copper). They contain simple animations to make them stand out to the player:
Floating/bobbing over the ground
Shadow size changes slightly
Shiny stripe flashes over the coin as it faces the viewer
Each frame is 32x32, 8 frames of animation per coin. The floor-center of the coin is at 16,28 (centered, 4 pixels from the bottom; in case you want to draw the coin at arbitrary locations instead of just inside a grid square).
XCF and Blend files (and animated previews) can be found here