Isometric Assets
Hello everyone!
We're Laserwolve Games; we've been informed that our assets apparently work pretty well with the FLARE game engine. Feel free to check out our stuff on, we even have some high-quality free assets you can use! Let us know if you have any questions!
What creative commons licenses are your paid and free assets and are the free assets compatible to be on your user profile on Opengameart ~free like all of the other assets on here?
Do you take suggestions for new assets? Also do you take commissions for tilesets / art assets? Are your assets compatible with Tiled.exe / Flare without too much extra work?
What do you want to do with your time making assets and do you have any goals / projects of your own? How did you start doing this and what do you enjoy about making assets / things rpg related?
Great questions!
What creative commons licenses are your paid and free assets and are the free assets compatible to be on your user profile on Opengameart ~free like all of the other assets on here?
We have our own license, which you can find here. The TL;DR is you can use the assets any way you want, just no distributing, outside of a project/game. Our free assets are compatible to be on Opengameart, however being on multiple distribution platforms is a pain (make a typo? fix it on 5 webstores!) so for now we're sticking to our website and
Do you take suggestions for new assets? Also do you take commissions for tilesets / art assets?
Yes and yes. We understand the budget (or lack thereof) of some projects, so don't be afraid to reach out and let us know what you need. We can work with any situation. Reach out to us on Discord, email or web form.
Are your assets compatible with Tiled.exe / Flare without too much extra work?
Flare, yes. You may need to scale down a bit as our assets are fairly high quality. We're not sure about tiled yet; it's on our list to test compatibility. We'll modify our assets as necessary to make sure they work with Tiled, it seems like a powerful tool we're excited to play around with.
What do you want to do with your time making assets and do you have any goals / projects of your own?
We're trying to build an all-encompassing system of modular isometric assets. If you want to get all your art assets from one artist, your options are limited and/or costly. We'd like to be a one-stop-shop. We're currently working on a game called Plains of Shinar, which serves a double purpose of showcasing our assets and a quality assurance testing grounds before we publish new packs.
How did you start doing this and what do you enjoy about making assets / things rpg related?
We started making assets for Plains of Shinar and realized there weren't too many great non-mobile oriented isometric art resources. We shifted gears and are really enjoying coming up with dynamic systems to make sure all the character outfits snap together just right, and the quality really pops.
Do you supply Blender compatible files (.blend / .dae) for the avatar related assets such as weapons and armour?
If this is the case such an asset could become compatible with Flare weapon and armour animation creation process where a blender model is rendered via the help of a script into an image set and montaged together via ImageMagic into a single image / animation tileset.
If there is a weapon / armour treasure sprite for a tileset it might be inconsistent to not have a version of that same object converted / rendered onto a character avatar. You mention having the benefit of having one artist / art style. Yet this phenomenon miss-match of character sprite art verses the game world tileset / asset library is a common outcome of a miss-matched art direction / management. Such an art miss-match can lead to disconnect from the player's immersion / progression and the production of game content via the developers.
Also do you plan on covering all biomes for world building tilesets (real world world biomes: )?
Or possibly make a high quality assets / tilesets in a convenient place to find tileset analogous to such tilesets found with great RPG's such as Diablo I and Diablo II, Baldur's Gate, Warcraft series, Path of Exile, Ages of Empires, Civilization, Might and Magic, Ultima and the Zelda series (if it was photo-realistic) etc?
There are some general biomes found in many classic Isometric RPGs, let us look at Diablo II for a quick reference: Each act covers one distinct 'biome' of which each biome has around on average ~20-30 areas / levels. Or even Path of Exile: + + (It would be great to have something like these biome tilesets for use in smaller scale / independent developer games)
Overworld: (possibly more)
Grassland / Plains / Forest / Temperate
Arid / Rain-shadow / Sandy / Desert
Tropical / Exotic-Life / Swampy / Jungle
Rocky / Lava / Volcano / Hell
Snow / Frozen / Tundra / Frozen Woodland / Boreal Forest
Coastal / Island / Beaches / Lagoons and Tide-pools
(Make sure there are ponds, streams, rivers, waterfalls and all relate water-esque infrastructure and buildings, bridges, waterwheels, dams, docks, boats, reed objects etc.)
Then throw in tents, cabins, villages, towns, cities and metropolises in each flavour of biome related cultures / building materials.
Then add in extraordinary natural wonders / mysterious ruins and 'sites of mystery / intrigue' of all different cultures and ages and building materials and building types. Destroyed versions of all building types as well.
Interiors: (possibly more)
Then have the interiors for each type of building and objects of life style and ornaments for each related culture and biome.
Then you have the 'dungeon' / 'underworld' these like different flavours of caves, underground rivers and lakes, different colours of tombs and crypts with different styles of cultures and building materials and quality / levels of finish and art / wall ornaments / wealth and prestige and cultural sensibilities. Diablo I is just one big dungeon from 4 levels of each tileset of Cathedral, Catacombs, Caves then Hell + Crypt and Bug Caves in the Hellfire expansion (nobody really likes the bug cave, same in WoW).
In general if you could develop high quality tilesets / world building assets on par with these big budget isometric games, yet open for the public to use / purchase / support that would be great. For it is the same area types over and over across all the RPGs in general. So in a sense every RPG uses the same biome tileset inspiration; Earth. So if you can make high quality yet convenient assets of all of the typical / ~expected biomes / tileset of medieval fantasy / mythological earth; every isometric medieval fantasy RPG would be in demand for your products.
We plan on releasing sets for all different types of biomes, to cover the whole gamut of possibilities. We just have transparent background 32-bit PNGs, no blender files. We'll be releasing inventory icons and item-on-the-ground images as well for our weaponry as well, so no miscoordination in that area. Terrain and buildings are next on our list; if you look at our site, we've got environment objects and knick knacks down pat. Right now, we're working on a dynamic character system which is proving a challenge but we're making good progress. After we polish that off, we'll set our sights on some modular worldbuilding assets.
Why have you chosen to not participate in 3D model files for world building assets offered to your customer base? Would that not expand your market in the present and the future as more and more games are using 3D models in real time verses less and less games using isometric pre-rendered 2.5D images? Is it down to a development process that limits the assets to 32-bits .PNG (~photoshop, image layers etc.) or is this a policy decision?
What scope of assets offered are you targeting in the next 12 months and what are your long term foreseeable plans to scale up the assets offered? Do you have a drawn out plan to expand your offerings? If so what specific biomes, asset sets, character related assets are you prioritizing? Where do you want to be in terms of scope of assets and scope of business for your operation in the near future and in the abstract long possible future?
How long have you been trying to run a business like this and what are you looking for? What goals do you have for this whole operation? Is this a dream, a business practicality, a hobby, what does this mean to you? What do you want from this and why is this pursuit worth it for you? Are you after the money or is there something more you are seeking fulfilled and or come into fruition? We only live so long so why do you want to dedicate yourself to this journey?
Our workflow is oriented toward producing just the final .PNG images, that was our original goal and that's what we're sticking to for now. (Who knows, maybe the current chip shortages will get so bad, games will shift back to 2D since no one will have graphics cards!)
We have a tentative release schedule available here. A lot of the answers to your questions are on our website! We update it regularly. You'll also find our About section, if you want to learn more about us.
Thank you for your diligent communication, I hope the best for your venture and if you make really cool assets and world building tilesets I could very well end up being a customer. I very much like the idea of having a consistent art style:-).