Whip [64 x 64]
Monday, April 1, 2013 - 13:05
Art Type:
New weapons comming. I made some whips but had no time to prepare the post before.
say what kind of weapon you prefer for the next package.
Thankyou very mutch folks.

Hey Lordneo,
Thanks for the whips and everything thing else you've drawn. I'll put these weapons to good use in an old gmud game called 'Dusk'. I'll invite you to play the game once it's ready. Right now it's activly being upgraded/modernized by NotZed (he's very good at Java programming ;)
Maces would be nice ;)
Very nice! I like that you create higher resolution icons (64x64) rather than the many old 32x32 or even 16x16 you see floating around. It would be cool to see more Flails, Maces or Hammers. There are too many swords already ;)
Added your whips to CC0 Whip Icons: