Wall Mounted Lamp
Saturday, November 26, 2011 - 20:28
Art Type:
A wall mounted lamp, quite suitable for adding coziness to dark alleyways
or even lighting an elven pub entry (Do Elves have pubs?).
Preview version is cropped.
Several 1000*760px PNG versions with transparency:
- On
- On with glow
- Off
If you would like to use a 3d model of this lamp (or slight variations thereof) leave a comment. Only actual ingame use.

If you made it in 3d any chance we can get the model as well?
NOTE: I have retracted this post due to a misunderstanding on my part. See below.
As it stands, the angle of the lamp in the image makes it not particularly useful, and it seems like you're just posting the image to get around OGA's licensing requirements. Using OGA to advertise more of your work is fine, provided you're contributing something that will be generally useful. If you'd like to keep this entry here, please replace it with a straight on side view so that it will be easier for people to adapt for their games, or upload the 3d model.
I'm not posting it like this to get around anything. It is painted from scratch specifically for this site.
I was offering to MAKE a 3d model of it in case someone would find it useful for their project.
Not a great welcome to someone who is willing to post free work out of idealism. If you want this site to grow you should revise that.
I apologize. I misunderstood.
All is well, we had a pleasant conversation on IRC.