Tuscan Knight - Bleed's Game Art (HD)
Friday, May 9, 2014 - 10:38
Art Type:
Medieval Tuscan Knight in 8 directions and two viewtypes, ISO and TOP.
Has the following animations :
Attack, Attack with Shield, Walk, Idle and Death.
Big thank you to my Patreon Supporters who made this creation possible.
If you like my art and would like to show your appreciation, I have a DONATE link up.
But if you think I should be working for my pay, I'm also available for Freelance Work.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
"Bleed - http://remusprites.carbonmade.com/"

This work is wonderful and exactly what I need for the game I am working on. Guess I should think about hiring you in the near future (in half a year or so) to do some similar assets.
Great work, bookmarking and making a mental note, keep up the good work :-)
This is really good.
Thanks for this, it looks great!
For anyone else hoping to get these merged spritesheets I wrote a Ruby script to combine each animation (in all directions). It uses convert and probably will only work on linux system but someone might find it useful:
Usage is:
ruby script.ruby path/to/source/files desintination/file.png
Basically you gotta run it for each directory:
ruby script.ruby Isometric/Walk/ knight_walking.png
ruby script.ruby Isometric/Attack_01/ knight_attacking1.png
Hey, folks. Made a small update to my Tuscan Knight character 10.October.2016
- Separated the shadow as well as the sword prop into different layers.