Tropic Strike (Live Orchestra)

This track is an epic action score that starts out pretty calm than grows into a really intense action sounding track. Originally, this had an ending that was more emotional and dramatic, but this might be better if they are seperated.
This is the other track:
This track actually features a live orchestra, recorded in a professional recording studio.
I hope you guys enjoy this track.
Also, if needed I can re-arrange it to best suit your needs.
There are those who might want re-arrangements of this track tailored specific to their project, this is also another good reason to communicate with the author.
Contact me on my official website:
Check out my services:

I'm sure you already did it somewhere, because it's pretty confusing. Can you please clarify what you mean with "If you would like to use this track PLEASE contact me first and let me know your plans to use this track. I will then provide instructions on how to use this track."? That sounds like one must contact you to be safe from adhortatory. But CC-BY means that people can do whatever they want with the track - even make a game you don't like and would never play. Without permission, they just have to credit you.
Awesome track by the way, i love your work. :)
This track is simply wonderful. You are a very generous person to share this free. I hope you get some contracts with this, it is awesome!
@Bonsaiheld All he wants is to know who and how somebody is using this. I understand and agree. I will add the same requirements to my tracks actually, because people are so greedy and don't give thanks the way they should. If this community is to live on, then artists should be credited correctly.
@Bonsaiheld, what he's saying is that he'd like you to contact him to discuss how you'd like to use the track and in case you'd like a slight revision of the track more suited to your project. I've also seen on a couple of entries where he explains that its common courtesy to request permission before using the work.
YES, you can use it without requesting permission or contacting the original artist. He's not saying you HAVE to, but he'd appreciate it if you contacted him first about it. Because of the license he placed on the music file, you're not obligated to contact him, he'd just appreciate it if you do and potentially could get you a file format or variation of the file better suited to your project rather than just using the MP3.
Hello, thank you for this amazing music. I'm planning to put it in our mainmenu music game for a school project. I'm gonna update here if everything goes well.