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Traps and Treasures
Description and Notes:
Project Name: Traps and Treasures (TnT - its dynamite!)
Project Purpose:
Create a game that my 4 and 5 year olds can play and submit it as part of the
LPC competition.
Game Description:
Pick a character, join a LAN game, run around and collect all the treasure
and treasure chests as you can. (After LPC, add traps you can set for other
players to trigger which might slow you down, warp you away, etc.)
- Single player, mainly for testing or for fun
- Multiplayer over the LAN (broadcasts to UDP port 55000 until everyone joins)
- Easily add new character images to resources folder (following similar style)
- Easily create new maps to play using Tiled
- Well documented Game Engine and code base.
- Extendable by design
3rd party tools and description:
GQP - Makes compiling code easier for Linux, Windows, etc. by combining
multiple Open Source libraries and your custom projects in a quick
and easy fashion (see compiling instructions below).
GQE - Game Engine developed by Ryan Lindeman and Jacob Dix from 2010-present.
A few minor changes were made and published as part of the LPC
competition. These changes were primarily small bug fixes in the GQE
implementation or string changes to specific properties used in the
Game Engine. Since I am the author and all code was largely available
I felt this was acceptable.
SFML - A graphics, audio, network, and system toolkit used by GQE to provide
management of all assets.
TmxParser - A small library used to parse TMX files produced by Tiled
TinyXML - Used by TmxParser to parse the TMX XML file
Game Play Instructions:
1. Each participant launches the TnT executable and uses the space bar to
select the character to represent themselves and pushes Enter to accept
their choice.
2. Each player waits until all other participants join the LAN game that is
about to begin. Once all players have joined (you see their characters
line up across the screen) each player presses the space bar to begin the
3. The level is loaded and each player waits until each player finishes the
Loading process and the game automatically begins.
4. Run around collecting treasure!
Compilation Instructions:
There are two ways to compile Traps and Treasures. The easiest technique is
to use the TnT-full-src-v1.3.tgz file available on the gqp-tnt Google Code
project page which contains all the 3rd party source files necessary to compile
the software. The second way, while a little more involved enables you to see
the benefits of using GQP for your own projects. Both techniques are
described below.
Compiling TnT-full-src-v1.3.tgz file under Linux/Windows.
1. Make sure you have cmake installed as GQP and TnT use CMake exclusively to
compile the 3rd party libraries and TnT to produce the TnT project.
Typically this involves running "sudo apt-get install cmake" from a linux
Terminal or Windows command prompt window.
2. Download the TnT-full-src.tgz file from the gqp-tnt Google Code project.
Typically this involves running the following from a Terminal window
3. Extract the files from the TnT-full-src-v1.3.tgz file.
Typically this involves running the following from a Terminal window
"gtar xzvf TnT-full-src-v1.3.tgz"
4. Navigate to the GQP build directory and run cmake.
"cd gqp/build" followed by
"cmake .."
5. Compile and link the code organized by GQP by doing the following:
Observe the code compiling all 3rd party libraries quickly and easily and
the TnT project.
6. Navigate to the newly built TnT project folder
"cd <path to gqp/build>/projects/tnt" followed by
"./tnt" to run the program
Compiling TnT from source repository using GQP under Linux/Windows.
1. Make sure you have cmake, svn, Hg, and git installed as GQP makes use of
all these tools to download 3rd party tools straight from their
repositories to give you the latest editions of each 3rd party library
(you can also edit each 3rd party libraries Options.cmake file and specify
a specific tag you want to use).
2. Download the GQP source code from its Google Code repository
"cd <some path like C:\Projects>"
"hg clone gqp"
By doing this you can more easily update your GQP versions using the Hg
client tool or TortoiesHg tool in the future
3. Navigate to the GQP projects folder and download the TnT project
"cd <path to newly created gqp folder from above>/projects"
"hg clone tnt"
By doing this you can more easily update your TnT version using the Hg
client tool or TortoiesHg tool in the future. Unlimited projects can be
added to the GQP projects folder, it is easy to add a new project based on
a copy of the old project and have GQP handle all the compiling and
linking challenges.
4. Create a build folder to build Makefiles or Visual Studio solution files
"cd <path to newly created gqp folder>"
"mkdir build"
"cd build"
"cmake .." This step requires that Cmake, SVN, Hg, Git, etc all be
installed and available from your path.
5. Compile and link the code organized by GQP by doing the following:
Observe the code compiling all 3rd party libraries quickly and easily and
the TnT project.
6. Navigate to the newly built TnT project folder
"cd <path to gqp/build>/projects/tnt" followed by
"./tnt" to run the program

Repository Link: