Town Theme RPG
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- After Work Music
- AnyRPG Background Music
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- Bloodlords Music Samples
- Calm Music - LD40
- CC0 Fantasy Music & Sounds
- CC0 Music
- CC0::music::fantasy
- Chill platformer music
- Credits
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- Cute & Pleasant Town Music
- Cute BGM
- Dark Fantasy
- DawnBringer32 Palette Icons
- gamedev-time
- Legend of Rathnor Parts
- MonGirl TroidVania Music & Sounds
- MoonCrossing
- Music
- music
- Music
- Music - Ambient
- Music - Enviroment
- Music - Platform & Background
- Music Theme
- Public Domain Music I like
- QnD002 Assets
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- RPG Songs
- RPG-t.d
- RPG::Music
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- shattered realms music
- Spencer's LD30
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- Tavern Project
- The Best of OGA Music
- Top down monster game
- Vagabond's music
- СС0 Favourites

Town theme for an RPG. Typical harps and recorders fare perfect for your RPG. Now CC0 Public Domain License!
This is for my game Pixelsphere I'm sharing some of my assets (art, sound effects and music) with the community to thank you for all the great content you have contributed. Let me know which works you find useful and I will share more similar content.
My game and soundtrack are 100% free -- there's over 50 great songs on the soundtrack, plus I have more fun trance/ambient music on for free --- you can stream it on my website anytime with the built in player.
I also made 40 Sonic The Hedgehog remixes in trance/ambient style you can stream them or download all of them free:
Please contact me if you use my music, I'd love to see your project and give you a shoutout on my website! Much of the music on you may use for free in your game if you contact me for permission and join my mailing list:

Beautiful piece. Very peaceful :)
This is beautiful, indeed. :) All the best for your campaign!!
I really like it, it's almost sure that I will use it in my game! :)
Hey thanks guys!
Amazing! Well done!
Nice One, I'll probably use that one!
Superb. You've really nailed down that "small peaceful town" atmosphere. Harps and wind instruments together were a great choice for this.
Hi! I am using this song in my new point and click game "Little Treasure Hunt". It fits the atmosphere perfectly. The game will be released on Windows 8 by end of the month. I'll let you know once it's out there ;)
I don't know if I'll use this in my game but I'll listen to it while I write code! This makes me so peaceful and happy, I just want to write code when I hear it...
I plan to use mayble all six of your tunes in a game I'm making. Will let you know how I get on.. :) love the tunes!
Just perfect!
Amazing, reminds me of Dark Cloud until the strings come in.
High quality track. Thanks!
Very well done track!
This music is great:D
I am using this for my personal project for my friends.
I will credit you!
Very nice! I would like to use the music piece in a game I'm making, about a small knight called Magnus.
Hey man! I would totally love to use this track for my game that I'm doing. May I have your permission?
Obrigado!! Gostaria de utilizar as faixas em meu projeto.
super wonderful! :)
These songs have very much things what make me think Final Fantasy...
Awesome tracksDisable rich-text
Hi, I'm Fe_min in South Korea.
I'm planning and making the action RPG game, 'Pocket Empire' by Nekoland platform.
I'd like to use your music in my town BGM :)
Can I use it?
p.s. I joined your mailing list.(
Amazing, definitely using this!
i use this for my project as a part of my education, thank you
Used this song in a demo of a Visual Novel making program I'm working on, here's a video link:
Works great as a peaceful / town theme!
amazing music. used it within a youtube video recently. thanks for providing this great work.
This one sounds nice.
This is beautiful, thanks for your generosity I have just subscribed to your mailing list and intend on using this in my game. All the best.
This beautiful soundtrack fits our game - Nirmita: The Fantasy Survival RPG - just perfect (everyone says so!) But funny thing, we have no towns here at all :)
Well, here you can download the game (it's free ofc) and check it yourself if you want to: :)
And thanks again for such an impressive composition! Well, please contact us if u like our game coz we definitely want more incredible soundtracks like that! :D
Game looks great, well done. And yes the soundtrack fits beautifully.
Hello. I'm PinkMan, a Korean game developer. How do you come up with such a beautiful song? I can't believe it. The song was used to create the game MakRPG Online for the Korean server. In addition, BGM was added to the YouTube ( video for promotion.
Thank you so much for making this beautiful song.
Literally created an account just so I could comment on this!
This piece brought out so much emotion in me, filling my brain with many new ideas and feelings for my future creations! I love the peace in this music, and you are a very talented creator. Keep going!
Do you have a non lossy version of this, such as .wav ?
Sounds great. Almost like Twin Peacks main theme by Angelo Badalamenti.