"Tools" Icons
Tuesday, June 28, 2011 - 03:31
Art Type:
- Anka
- Art used in Gigalomania
- Assets: Stylized Hand-Painted
- CCG compatible art
- Deck Of Dungeons
- Free RPG icons
- Generic Art Collection
- Iso-RPG-Concept
- Kingdoms project
- legends
- long licence fantasy modern game
- NOT CC0 Icons, Cursors, UI
- the island
- Torque3D possible models/textures
- Turodas
- Ultimate TableTop
- User Interface (UI) Art Collection
- xm2
My submission for the current weekly challenge "Tools".
Painted in Krita.
IconsToolsPNG.zip - has all icons as PNGs, no layers.
IconsToolsKrita.zip - has all icons as KRAs, Krita's internal format, with layers.

Cool. These look like they could be used in FLARE. I'm trying to figure out what the tools in the top-right and mid-left are... Is the latter a paintbrush?
Edit: After clicking on the preview I can see it's definitely a paintbrush. Still dunno what the other one is though.
The top-right one is a nail.