The Orch's are coming
Wednesday, September 5, 2012 - 18:31
Art Type:

An orchestral piece, 1 m 38s at 100 bpm in Am.
Perhaps could be used for titles, intro's, outro's, cut scenes.
If you do use it, I'd love to know.

Thanks! Great tune, catchy and pleasant. Can you make a version which is more aggressive and lower-toned to fit the orc-ish image better?
We would like to use this song for our MMO Ironbane as our main theme. Ironbane is a dragon that is inside a castle waiting for a challenge. Our menu screen would show the castle with Ironbane inside while playing this song. I like the song but I think it takes too long before it emits it's main atmosphere, and some instruments are a slight bit too rough/loud. Would it be possible for you to make a few adjustments? Please let me know if you're interested!
Thank you,
I'm working in a free educational videogame, I'd like use your song. I like it! :D
i will use it
it's awsome
Hey, Mr(s). Shalpin!
I am using this BGM "The Orch's are coming" on my game.
I am linking this page for players to get to know more of your work.
Hope you are doing well, almost 10 years after uploading this piece.
I am expressing my appreciation at one update in the Steam platform. Please check it if you have the time.
I have sent a free Steam Key to your user Inbox so you can check how your BGM fits into the game as well.
Thank you very much for this piece.
Sao - Underway Gaming Studio