Shifting Sands of Ma-Kali

The hero wipes his brow as he gains a steady grip on the jagged edge of hard rocks surface. He grunts and he summons what little strength he has to pull his almost lifeless body over the lip of the cliff to relative safety. The heat from the sun already relentless in scorching every inch of his body. The hero coughs face down, the sands relieve themselves from the cliffs surface only to caress the hero's face as if to seek refuge from the overbearing heat. He slowly turns eastward to a vast and seemingly infinite desert. The journey has just begun....he has reached the shifting sands of ma-kali...
More Music:
If you use this in your project I have a bandcamp page:
If you enjoy the music you can pay whatever you feel the music is worth to you, I appreciate any amount as it helps me continue to submit music to you devs.
I am open to creating music for your projects if you are interested email me above.

This is excellent.
Used as bg music in SquadChess open beta
Play online for free at :)
NOTE: In-game version has been edited to make the song a bit shorter and file a bit smaller. (But I'm keeping the full version in my personal library just for listening's sake! Really nice work.)
Thank you for this beautiful music. I used it as a background for my latest youtube video:
Credits given of course.
Continue this great work!