Shattered 2 Art Pack
Friday, March 28, 2025 - 21:13
Art Type:
Art from the sequel to Shattered, originally released 2022 and now available for free use. Just like last time, I waited a while (and then it took me another while to get around to it) before releasing the source code and this art pack.
Includes world sprites (most with animations and rotations), weapon sprites, HUD/UI assets, character portraits, backgrounds/static screens (fewer this time) and probably a few other odds and ends. There are a few bonuses, including assets from the A Dream of Valhalla demo and assets that didn't make it into the final game.
Just like last time, it's all kind of MSPaint-ish (though it wasn't actually drawn in Paint) and has a fairly narrow but unspecific palette.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
At a minimum, credit me as XCVG or XCVG Systems. You may mention Shattered 2 but don't need to. I would also appreciate a mention of my website,, if it's practical to do so. You may format the attribution and put it wherever you want to match the rest of the credits in your game or other production.