RPG Tile Set 'Military Base' NES
Here at the Military Base you can train your troops for war, feature in some sort of combat espionage or maybe a diary account of a soldiers struggle. Either way you game story unfolds you now have the perfect environment with watch posts, perimetre fencing, hanger and a sleeping quarters.
These assets have been created using a NES colour palette and keep within the limitations of a NES so you can create a genuine looking retro game.
Sheets available in the download can be tiled 8x8, 16x16 in 128x128 canvas, or a full sprite sheet.
Master System version available here:
Gameboy version available here:
Character in screenshots not included and will be available soon.
Thanks for checking this out.
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Well done !
Perfect for my Metal Gear collection.
Thanks @Xom Adept.:)
Superb stuff my dude :) and the write up about asset creation techniques on your patreon is brilliant!
@ZomBCool thanks matey, i'm not the best writer, but least you get an idea of how i do it all. :) Glad you like the asset too. :) Nice work on your video for the jam games. be good to see more of them, im looking to encourage something like that for the Summer jam. but il tell more about that nearer the time. :)
No probs:) It was a resolution of mine to live stream and make more vids. I will cover the game jams and the art challenges ;)
How can you get this to work on Rpg Maker 2003? I don't really want to use the overused RTP sprites and things, so I want to find some good sprites, backgrounds and music. I'm planning on making an 8bit RPG for now. I just want to know if it's possible to get this onto Rpg Maker 2003, because I tried before, but it didn't work because the sprites needed to be "256 colours" or whatever that means.
I have no idea, i have never used RPGMaker so wouldn't know how to 'import' sprites to its IDE.I can't help you there i'm afraid. If sprites need to have "256 colours" then you are going to struggle to use 8 bit as sprites of that nature would never use that many. sorry, i can't be more help matey.