Random Spritesheets
Saturday, March 5, 2016 - 13:55
Art Type:
Just some random Spritesheets i've made mostly for Terraria Mods but also some unreleased Projects

Just some random Spritesheets i've made mostly for Terraria Mods but also some unreleased Projects
At least some of these are edits of non free stuff.
The Alex Kidd in Miracle World originals: http://www.spriters-resource.com/resources/sheets/49/51710.png
Very nice!
Está genial
This is some really sick work! Thank you for sharing!
I cannot see the resemblance directly but I assume you are rightThey look good,
it is sad that they cannot be used under the said licenseIf that's directed at me then the Alex Kidd stuff has already been removed from the current revision.
Thank you for sharing it's very nise
@surt, yes I used reply but it looks like it doesn't work as I expected. Also, good to know they are removed
I recognize some of the art of Terraria. The most recoginzable beeing the goldfish, bench and bed.
The other art uses a very similar palette so it's likely those are edits too.
I don't know the license of Terraria's graphics, but since it's a commercial game (and I cannot find any information of the in game graphics license) I'd assume that they are non free.
@Powertomato: good catch, but I don't see any of those assets in the actual download, just the preview.
@Eikester: would you be willing to update the preview images to reflect what is available in the downloadable files?