Pixel Puncher Sprites
Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 21:37
Art Type:
Read about these Pixel Puncher sprites and watch a video of it here
Then come back, download and comment :)
Attribution Instructions:
while this is public domain, it would be super cool if you credited Tomfulp and Mindchamber for the art.. up to you, but it would be super nice.

O.o This is some very impressive work! I can't wait to dig into the files, but the previews alone are rather stunning. Thank you very much for your willingness to share these pieces!
I have to agree. These are rather awesome looking. Were these drawn as vector art initially or were they originally pixel art? I haven't seen the files yet either because I'm at work but seriously interested in seeing all of it when I get home.
Awesome work man, i can think of many ways to use this, hopefully i will make my first game using this.
This is super awesome!!!
all vector, except for the background parts.. and thanks!
MindChamber you are ossum,u r great,u r theee besttttttttttttt... <3 <3 :)
Hello MindChamber i love it your sprites backgraunds and animations !!
have a way to contact you in order to talk about their work
I will be using some of their Sprites and BackGround for a beginner game
Exceptionally well done!
I want to use some of these commercially with slight modification in a pet project that I'm working on - it's a game for android.
I'll attribute you for this work with your name & logo, just need your permission.
Do I have to make my game code public as a part of licensing?
Best Regards,
These are just fantastic. I watched your demo of Pixel Puncher and the game looked fantastic. Thank you for sharing this art! Am I able to use this art commercially?
nahhhh, your code is yours
sure! a credit to me as the artist would be nice :)
Stunning : )
Hello there. Thank you very much for these assets :) I have used these in my game and credited the author in credits meny. The project can be found here. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.chronik.myapp
Hey nice job on this game, I had some fun with it last night.. keep up the great work!
Green hedgehog reminds me Scorge the Hedgehog from Sonic the Hedgehog Universe from Archie Comics
lo use en mi proyecto lo queres ver ? pront0 lo subire a la playstore