Open Books
Sunday, October 11, 2020 - 13:45
Art Type:
Open books created for the AnyRPG Engine (
These are re-modeled versions of the closed books here :
The picture only shows one, but all 16 books from the above set have open versions in this blend file.
The UVs on these books match the texture of the original books.
Verts: 1376
Tris : 1984

It seems this blend is emty
Can you fix it?
The blend is not empty. I just downloaded it from the link and opened it in Blender 2.93 and it worked. What blender version are you using?
Ik still use bender 2.79b
This opens in my bleder well
These are re-modeled versions of the closed books here :
You'll need to use a newer version of Blender. This is a known issue with Blender. They made an incompatible change in 2.8 and up (which this set was created in).
You can find more information about it here :
The file you linked was made in 2015, which, according to this page, was probably made with the 2.7 series you have installed, which is why you can load it :
How dit jou make this from de file I linked??
meby Ik can make it my self from the lin ked file?
but in 2.79
Or is there a wy toe go from 2.8 tot 2.79?
I Here somting about a plugin or so aniyphing??????
is the color off the paper a texture or a matiaal?
Why don't you just upgrade your blender version? It's free software.
I havend ended a corse In this blender whare I pay for.
first I wil end the corse.
but I remember, That you can open blender whitich no installing it >
meby it is to whits 2.8?
I have run blender from folder and ik can open it.
But I dont now how to use the new blender
I hope to lurn how I can make this In blender 2.79. I Nead it
this year
What is your use case? Are you going to be using these in a game engine or are you trying to make edits to them?
You could just export them to an FBX in the new version of blender, and then import the FBX into your old version if you really insist on using an out of date version instead of just learning the new version.
Honestly though, the new blender is way easier to use. I couldn't design anything in the 2.7x versions, but I think this took me about 2 days in the new blender, and I have zero experience in graphic design. I just watched a couple of free tutorials on YouTube. There's no need to take paid courses.