NIghtStrike png assets
Sunday, August 25, 2013 - 21:55
Art Type:
Here are the Nightstrike assets in png format. My second game art from the OpenBundle by Nik. sorry it has taken so long to sit down and convert them, lifes been hectic, Ill ty and get the assets for Heavy Terror machine done much quicker.
if there are any pieces of art I forgot to convert just let me know, or rip it from the fla yourself if you know how.
the fla is provided at
Previews made using Spritesheet to Gif by Nic Liow
Attribution Instructions:
no restrictions, but if you wanna give me a shoutout, I wouldnt mind :3

This awesome man,great
flagged for liscense issue as Spark.wav is actually tesla1.aud from Command & Conquer (see
Please remove the content that was not created by you and let me know. We do not allow posting of content you dont have the rights to.
I Removed the soundeffects zip. But for the record that sound effects comes from a sound effects library CD I purchased over a decade ago, called "sound ideas : hollywood collection".. look it up.. AND for the record that sound existed and has been around for much longer than command and conquer.
Please do your research before accusing.
Well, that sucks. Why did you have to purchase a CD of public domain sound, though? Just for the cost of the CD itself?
The issue with the sound is that even if it is from a effects cd that c&c used it is highly unlikely that it was on that cd as public domain. If it is public domain however please let us know.
I will unflag the liscense issue without the sound effect for now until we get more information.
Also we are not trying to accuse anyone of anything, just when something like this shows up we have to take a hard stance as to ensure the integrity of the site and its assets.
You could've just as easily blocked the sound zip file, and then Contacted me in private to inform me of the situation, so as to not have me look as if I make a habit of uploading copyrighted material. This in turn could make users weary of downloading my work because of it, regardless if I'm guilty or not.. All I ask is to try and use some decorum when addressing your content providers,the ones who supplement your site with years worth of free assets.