Nature Kit
Thursday, April 12, 2018 - 05:17
Art Type:
- 2Use4CG
- 3d Abiotic Nature under CC0
- 3d Biotic Nature (no animals) under CC0
- 3D Low Poly
- 3D-Platformer-art
- A Pool: Unsorted (GDN)
- Catchbox
- CC0 Nature
- CCO 3D Flora
- City Game stuff
- Civsimstrategy
- Climate Jam
- Good CC0-Art
- Good Extpandable Tilesets /Art packs
- HQ Exteriors & Landscapes
- HQ Items Exteriors & Landscapes
- Kenney assets
- Low Poly Stuff
- Low-Poly Assets
- LowPoly Environment
- Miscelaneous under CC0
- modular 3D asset packs
- My Project
- Nature Stuff
- Open Game Art Jam Summer 2023
- Pool - Minecraft Server Kit
- Puzzle Tactics Advanced
- Terminal Overload reboot assets
- Terrain
- terrain pieces
- Vertex Initial Model collection 27/10/2018
- WC3-ish Mod
This package includes over 330 nature themed objects including trees, rocks, stones, terrain elements, waterfalls, camping equipment, and plants.
- Works in Unity, Unreal and all other 3D engines
- 330+ objects!
- Optimized, low poly models
Let me know if you have any questions or requests!
Like to support the creation of free game assets? Consider a donation:
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Credit "" or "", this is not mandatory.

As always good work, master.
Good looking ^^
Another masterpiece o.O!
I really like the style on these.
Is there a trick to importing these models into Blender? I have been trying to import the OBJ's with little luck
They are actually not optimized. The more materials you have, the more GPU it takes to render. It would be better to make a texture atlas.
Just signed up after spending the last week scaling and repositioning half of this set to be compatible with Flatland and 3dml. Now that it's gotten so far and been published, i though it right to come here and say thankyou for making these available. I don't need to convert the whole pack because of doubles, rocks and stones for example. Where you have used colours i have broken them down into individual parts but still keeping more or less the same colours to correspond with the isometric shots you made. With the way things work with Flatland, builders can change the colours for each part as they wish by just changing the RGB code, so rocks and stones can made to look one way or the other (colour wise). I have renamed them 'Cute' blocks for my website and eventual users (all new) and consider them as the version Alpha, with time and if claimed i will eventually remap and texture the parts so that users can retexture them with a simple image change.
On the following page you will see everything i have made available to the flatland community at the bottom there is a link back to you and your art work.
Great work - I've been assembling quite a few of your isometric packages and can't wait to try them out.
Have you by any chance done some assets that would fit a Stone Age setting? Could be characters, a small bonfire, a stone age hut, and such? We are currently working on some pitch material for a Stone Age themed game for kids and it would be great to have a bit more diversity and themed focus. That is why we are on look-out for assets to use in our pitch.
Best regards,
Jeppe / Here Be Dragons
It`s so good!