Mecha Training Dummy
Mecha Training Dummy made for Open Dungeons (open source Dungeon keeper clone) and AgentKeeper (its brother-in-arms project) , 286 vertex, 274 faces, textured, with normal map, ambient oclussion(already applied to texture), specularity map and animated. It was supposed to be just a dummy but when i finished it, i felt it could be used as some kind of mob, and gave it a walking and death animation; and remember "In soviet Russia training dummies train on YOU"
++Animations should be speed up into game engine++
1-40 Shield block
41-80 Sword attack
81-110 Walking (by jumping)
111-133 Falling dead
All textures packed inside .blend;
Used Rusted metal textures done by Poss from here: (CC-BY 3)
Leon (Lion image from shield) crest banner, from Spain province Leon (public domain)
If you use it, please drop a word, i like to see my stuff being used, constructive criticism is also welcome. Also, a link back to my profile would be nice.

Looks good, but the smoothness of the head and body does not match the shoulders. Actually, looks great, even if the head looks a bit lizardy for some reason.
thanks for the feedback, im working on a few changes, better normals for armor and some modifications for the helmet so it looks more squarish
dude i am doing a game its almost made would you be interested in doing some art for it
your drawings look perfect and a few of them would just drop straight into my game
if your interested contact me here
This model is used in the tutorial level of my game. The shield texture was modified.