[LPC] Upholstery
Monday, February 25, 2019 - 22:35
Art Type:
- 2d RPG (LPC)
- 2D::Tile::Orthogonal
- 32x32 ambient
- Art used for my open source game "Fish fillets remake"
- AshenFarms
- Brothers' Odyssey
- Comb Hair
- Epic Pixelart RPG
- Gather.Town
- Harvest Moon Roguelike
- Impyrean options
- Island revival
- LPC - Indoor Tiles
- LPC Collection
- LPC Game assets
- LPC Tiles
- LPContemporary
- maybe assets for Treasure (+other)
- pixelart-game-by
- Potential HTML5 RPG Assets
- Prototype Stuff
- reverie lost
- RPG Game
- RPG-t.d
- RpgMakerAssets
- Space Game
- The Legendary Apple Tree
- THEME: fantasy / rpg
- Tilesets and Backgrounds (PixelArt)
- Vagabond's assets
- [LPC] Collection
- [LPC] Interiors
Various wooden furniture with fabric. Technically not everything is upholstered (like the beds, or the lamps obviously :p), it's just grouped together to facilitate recolors (some examples in preview which do not have all the elements... can be used under the same license). More to come in the future... Sorry for the lack of proper preview.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
"[LPC] Upholstery" by bluecarrot16, Lanea Zimmerman (Sharm). Please link back to https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-upholstery and https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-interior-castle-tiles .

very good!!!!! Thanks..
Excellent design
Very useful !! Thanks for sharing ;)
May I ask if the 2nd pic in preview is missing in download? Many thanks.
Sorry, it's not in the download. It's just to demonstrate that you can easily make recolors. As you can see, the selection of furniture is slightly smaller than in the final version. At some point I want to go back and make various recolors of all the items, just haven't gotten around to it.
Hey BlueCarrot-- I've got this set of sofas in 8 colors on this kit, if you'd like a head start on that. I've also filled in the missing side / back views on the sofas.
Oh, yes---that is definitely the move! I think your submission includes everything in here except like, the bunk beds? So someone looking for recolors should just use that. I'll update the description to that effect too.
I was just explaining why this submission looks half-complete, because it kinda is...
Thank you bluecarrot!
Fantastic selection!