[LPC Revised] Fully Configured 4-Seasons Tilesets for Tiled Map Editor
This is partially inspired by some of the older adrix89's tile atlases:
I just wanted to use a bunch of assets that were all in the OGA-BY license and Death's Darling (ElizaWy's) assets were the most comprehensive set all in OGA-BY, but a lot of the tiles are in various locations and difficult to manage, so this is designed to contain them all in one place along with Terrain Sets where possible, but I also configured collision (which I don't know if it was a good idea or not, but I did it anyway).
ElizaWy's original assets can be found here:
By the time I started working on LPC stuff again, it seems like Eliza may have gone inactive. If so, in the future I may update LPC Revised assets with other OGA-BY assets from various locations where I can find them. However, I'm going to work on other things for a while first to see if she comes back (her last update was 5 months ago, which is a while, but its also enough time that she could just be busy with other things for a short while and still come back).
I created a handful of tilesets, all in 2048x2048 (the tile atlas's were 1024x1024 so I thought doubling that would probably be fine, especially since its been over a decade since 1024x1024 was considered to be "hardware accelerated" safe). The only ones I have "finished" so far are the 4 seasons and the buildings.
I included all "outdoors-y" assets into the 4-seasons tilesets that existed on LPC Revised and there's still plenty of room left to fit more things that are missing. I tried to reduce duplicated assets as much as possible where reasonable, while also keeping the 4-seasons design with the basic idea of being able to swap out the tileset completely to change the season.
The tileset is fully animated as well; all assets that have animations are animated. Originally I had the ice tiles just "vanish" when swapping seasons, but finally I decided to fully configure them to degrade into animation equivalents of the same time in the other variants.
I cut back on the tree size as well by reducing duplicate assets as much as possible. In theory, you probably only really need the base trunks and the tree overlays.
I finally figured out how to make the fences with a Terrain Set as well, so they also look pretty nice now.
I put buildings into a separate tileset (also included) because there wasn't enough room for them in the main one, but in that one, there's plenty of room to add alternate house variations as well as castles.
Lots of things are missing unfortunately (because LPC Revised doesn't have all these assets yet). The preview image I included is a partial city I designed, but there's no good brick tiles in these assets. I finally settled on using bluecarrot12's lpc-bricks (https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-bricks) in a separate layer so I can swap it out later easily if I can get some OGA-BY assets. These lpc-bricks are NOT included in the tilesets, only individual tiles exist that cover a full square (because that's all that exists in LPC Revised).
If there was enough exterior terrain tiles, I would have just created one sheet filled out with nothing but terrain tiles, but that's not the case here unfortunately.
I did not include doors because I assume doors would be handled differently (and they'd take up way too much room anyway). In RPG Maker "doors" would be considered as "character" sprites after all.
JaidynReiman for compiling the assets from LPC Revised and configuring the Tiled Map Editor tilesets for it. Also created a winter version of the bushes with a simple palette recolor to make the collision easier to convert between seasons.
Original LPC Revised (https://github.com/ElizaWy/LPC) asset contributors include Eliza Wyatt (DeathsDarling), Lanea Zimmerman (Sharm), Stephen Challener (Redshrike), Johannes Sjölund (Wulax), BlueCarrot16, BenCreating, Durrani, YuriNikolai and Craftpix.net 2D Game Assets.

I tried to say it was not "my original work" (because I just compiled existing assets) but it kept demanding an author. I couldn't find an Author field and the "Collaborator" field didn't work, so I just dropped that.
I wanted to release this to get it off my chest but tbh, I'm not really all that happy with it. That's partly why I didn't end up finishing the city design. There's simply not enough assets here to make a good and varied city, but I do think LPC Revised has tons of good assets to make a game in general. There's just a lot of things missing unfortunately. And plenty of stuff that _could_ be added, too, so in the future I may start converting some compatible OGA-BY assets over to it. Might need to reach out to bluecarrot to see what I can use and what I can't.
Some of the lpc-jungle assets look viable, but I also really think there's plenty of assets in the lpc-farm as well that could work, too: https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-farm
That said, I'm going to wait a while before continuing this to see if Eliza comes back. Instead I'm going to focus more on character art for now. I just wanted to take a break after that long Kimono and try doing something else (in this case designing one of my cities).
I'm also heavily reconsidering my stance of sticking to just OGA-BY assets. I'll still release all my assets I created in OGA-BY, but there's so many good things that just aren't in OGA-BY. Its mostly because eventually I want to at some point potentially release stuff on Steam or other such places, so I don't want to start using assets which potentially some people might have a problem with (because they believe the license extends to the whole project). I don't believe this personally, but I also don't want to upset the original asset creators as well.
Anyway, I'll try and gradually update these assets over time, but it will probably be a while before I get back to this. Next thing I think I'm going to do is convert some of the LPC Revised character assets over to ULPC, starting with those incredible looking feathered wings.
Glad to see an update for this wonderful resource pack!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah again, I just went ahead and took the existing assets and created Tiled Map Editor Tilesets out of it. I haven't started adding any new assets yet. If I don't see Eliza doing updates soon, its possible I may start adding more qualified assets over and convert them to LPC Revised colors. For now, though, its just the existing assets.
They still look good with other LPC assets, but a lot of other assets aren't in OGA-BY if that's something you're concerned about. I love bluecarrot16's bricks set for example.
At some point I'll finish off the tilesets for interior as well. Animations are done, but finishing all the terrain on the carpeting set may take a while as well as configured collision on the interior furniture (that said, again, I don't exactly know how to handle collision yet, so I'm kinda just winging it with the labels I put out).
Looks like an excellent collection! Thank you for your work on this and sharing it!