[LPC] Muscular Swing Animation
Saturday, December 16, 2017 - 21:54
Art Type:
Didn't know if I could do it justice... tried anyway. A swing animation for the LPC muscular base by dalonedrau. It seemed like such a shame for a big, strong guy to only be able to walk about.
It's my first time animating something this complex, so I'm not sure about the quality. I might have to update this later. Crits welcome! (I'll add in pants for him as soon as I'm confident about the outline.)
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Original stand / walk base by Dalonedrau.

Wow it looks supernice! I would not change it all :)
He makes a good gladiator now!
I combined this sheet with the walking sheet in to one so it fits the generator, I will add it here.
Only missing a die animation now I notice to make it a full worthy gladiator
Sounds awesome! A die animation would be the logical next step, as soon as I finish the pants up. It shouldn't take too long. :)
I made some slight corrections to the walk cycle as well-- the lighting on his head when he walks to the left being the bigest one. I'll be putting all of this LPC stuff up on Git soon, so you can pull the fresh files soon.
That would be very nice if you could make that! I would love to help, but I am really bad at it unfortunately. I might pick up courses on pixel art though, as I think it can be learned to some extent.
Yeah putting it on git might be a good idea, to have it a bit more centralized and organized. But please continue posting on OGA as well as it keeps the community alive and involved:)
I've added pants to this, and added a hurt animation here: https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-muscular-hurt-animation
Functional LPC gladiator (with pants) is a go!