[LPC] Magic Staff
Saturday, August 4, 2018 - 03:28
Art Type:
Can be used with or without magic charge. I plan to use as a projectile launcher (with the nonmagic frame used for when its "empty") but it could easily work as a melee attack as well. Available for male and female.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Based on one of LordNeo's staves at https://opengameart.org/content/staff-64-x64
Public Domain CC0

Nice! Again a great addition to the LPC set:) I added it to the spritesheet generator fork i made:
I see there is something off with the oversized attack drawing. Especially, when you combine the staff with the new magic hat you submitted. The tip of the hat is cut off and drawn on the animation row above it.I will try to fix that later in the generator.I just double checked the hats and staves I'm working on in my own generator and I can't reproduce the error. In the files, all the staves are constrained to their 192x192 blocks. I'm not sure whats generating your problem, it may be your generator. but if you figure it out and sometihng I am doing is not aligned, let me know
Yes I think it is a bug in the generator indeed. I fixed it first by shifting the bodies a bit, but then I noticed that the weapons like the dragon spear did not align properly anymore. I will let you know when I fixed it, but propably it is a bug in the generator
You may also want to consider a few global shifts for your editor. For example, I draw the up facing castcycle a pixel lower (for the base as well as all equipment) to bring it into alignment with the up-facing walkcycle and other cycles. Theres also an issue with one of the female side-facing archery cycles that can be corrected this way. These are issues that look fine in generators but once you need to go from cycle to cycle in-game can become apparent
Hmm interesting, I did not notice that yet. But indeed worth having a look at. I currently use the assets for a mobile app, and maybe because of the smaller scales applied, I did not notice it. There are quite some approvements I would like to make to the generator anyways (quite a lot actually). It has been written quite some time ago and since there are a lot of new ways to make this thing work.
But it serves its purpose very well still, so I don't think I will do it in the coming weeks.
NB I fixed the issue with the positioning of the hats with oversized weapons. Indeed it was a small bug in the generator
did anyone ever make walk animations for this?
Not AFAIK. These are quite large so will probably need an "oversize" walk cycle or will need to be adjusted to fit within the regular walk cycle.
I may have to get walking frames commissioned then also who made the recolors of this? I have them and another different wand from the same pack of base wands but not sure who to attribute?