[LPC Expanded] Pants
UPDATE 2/4/25:
Added cleaned up version of these Pants in the following zip file:
Sanderfrenken ran a script to split up all assets by animation type in the ULPC. I went back and reviewed pants assets and cleaned up messed up pixels. I had previously seen reports that some of the original pants assets had stray pixels that needed to be removed, so I ensured all of these were cleaned up properly.
Original Release:
Here we go… my final update of the year, just in time for the New Year! Its all Pants assets for the ULPC! I thought about trying to do skirts, too, but it was just too much.
I spent much of Christmas week working on getting these assets configured. I mostly started with the “Male” versions of LPC Revised assets seen here:
However, I started with just Pants because I was able to use Bluecarrot16’s work on Eliza’s “Overalls” as a starting point to create the pants. I already finished the full Overalls set for Male assets, so I just went ahead and trimmed down the overalls to create the Pants.
From there, though, I realized there actually weren’t THAT many pants assets, so it wasn’t too hard to go through and finish them. Also, there’s less effort needed for pants than other assets because I only need to create two versions: Male and Thin (Female / Teen) whereas shirts need both Female and Teen both.
As far as I can tell, I believe all these assets are available in OGA-BY 3.0. All the original Pants assets had OGA-BY 3.0 added to them retroactively (by Redshrike, Wulax, and Nilla122 respectively), while ElizaWy’s Pants were always OGA-BY 3.0.
Here’s the complete list of assets included:
“Male” Revised Pants
The Pants are based on ElizaWy’s assets and Bluecarrot16’s Overalls updates.
I already included these, and technically they’re considered an “apron” asset. However, I included them here for completion.
Cuffed Pants
These are direct derivatives of Overalls. To create the Long Pants I had to edit out the cuffs on the Legs.
Long Pants
Originally I named these Pants 2. Eliza just calls them “Pants”, but we already have a similar (but different) Pants assets in the ULPC. Because these are longer than those, I opted to call them “Long Pants”.
Leggings 2
These are similar to Bluecarrot16’s. Its possible the Leggings are derivatives of each other. To create these Leggings, I had to do a lot of editing to make them look more “form-fitting”.
These are just an extension of Leggings 2, now containing a “sock” portion at the bottom. I created the Socks first then just dropped the Socks over them.
“Female” Revised Pants
Already included in the other release, but I have also included them here for completion sake.
Pantaloons (Male and Female)
These were shockingly fun to deal with. Pantaloons are basically a form of “Baggy” pants and were made by Nilla122 originally. It wasn’t too hard to finish across all frames, and then I made a “Female” version as well.
Wulax’s Pants (Male and Female)
These Pants, just called “Pants”, were originally made by Wulax. Eliza’s pants most resemble these ones, but there are notable differences.
I kept the original Pants assets from the ULPC, then for the new frames, I edited down Eliza’s pants to fill out the rest in the same style.
Formal Pants (Male and Female)
These were originally made by Redshrike, and Bluecarrot16 made some modifications to them later, including removing the belt.
These were still a bit messy, though, with a lot of stray pixels. I cleaned up all the stray pixels to make them look a bit nicer.
I filled out the remaining frames using Eliza’s pants, added female versions, and added recolors as well (which previously did not exist).
Striped Formal Pants (Male and Female)
These are Bluecarrot16’s formal pants but with stripes on them. Adding the stripes took a lot of work, but I managed it somehow. The stripes are simply straight vertical regardless of the angle, so that made things a little easier at least. I followed the existing pattern bluecarrot16 had to make these.
Fur Pants (Male and Female)
Originally called “furbrown”. According to Evert, these were just a basic recolor of Redshrike’s original pants. I didn’t see any major differences, but there were VERY subtle ones.
I opted to keep this as a separate option with its own set of recolors, but I feel like maybe its not different enough to warrant it. That said, I did include “fur” colors as a recolor variant just to keep with the theme.
All updates are already available on the ULPC Spritesheet Character Generator except for the Formal Pants, I only just now opened a PR for them, so it might be a day or two until it gets merged. You can still see the rest here, as well as other color variations in action:

Ugh I managed to get this done just in time. It took longer than I expected to finish the "Formal" pants. I thought I could reuse the other frames, but I ended up redoing most of them from scratch.
Based on what I dug up, I'm pretty sure these pants are the original ones Redshrike made. The ones the ULPC has been using mostly have been Wulax's. The Redshrike pants were edited by Bluecarrot16 into the "formal" pants and included in his Gentlemen release. These never got recolors before, but they have them now. I kept the original colors as well, though, and stuck with the idea of them only using 3 palettes and looking "flatter" than the other pants assets.
The stripes weren't as hard as I thought they would be.
I know some people are going to say "but its already the New Year!" not for me lol. Its still 45 minutes to go!
Anyway, going to take a break for a bit. That said, while working on this I made progress on two other things:
1. I finished the "Male" versions of Eliza's Socks and Shoes. I opted to leave them out here to have a full "Socks & Shoes" update later. I also started working on porting my boots with my Kimono release to all frames, but I'm nowhere near done with those yet.
2. Plate Legs are all done now except Run and the Combat Animations.
Sanderfrenken merged the latest PR now so all updates are now here:
I added a new zip file containing cleaned up pants assets so they no longer have any stray pixels. All these assets are also split by different animations.
Do you plan to make expanded shoes and shirts for normal male characters?
The Male version's of ElizaWy's Socks and Shoes are done here:
I haven't released them on OGA yet because I wanted to finish ALL Shoes assets and drop them in one update, but it has taken longer than I intended to get back to this.
Thanks for the quick reply.
I cannot find the animation for shirts and shoes for running for normal male.
If you will work on it i will wait else i will swap to your work for thin male
Apologies, I should have clarified:
Eliza's Shoes are "Shoes 2" and "Boots 2", these are done on all frames (Run, Jump, etc) for "Male" body type. The normal "Shoes" and "Boots" are not done on all frames yet. However, I have started looking into finishing the rest of the shoes since you brought it up. I kinda wanted to get it done quickly this year anyway, I just have been distracted by other things. But I'll try getting the rest out fairly soon. (NOTE: All three Socks are available on all frames already. That's both of Eliza's socks and my Tabi Socks from my Kimono set.)
As for Shirts, I haven't done those yet for "Male". I was planning on starting them soon, though. At this time, I think I'll do shoes first (ALL the shoes, not just Eliza's) and then I'll drop a release for that. Then I'll do all the LPC Revised shirts for male (not the other shirts, just LPC Revised for now).
There are some issues with a few existing shirts on the "thin" models I already have logged:
Because I discovered these issues, I planned to work on fixing these issues and work on the Male shirts at the same time. Starting with Sleeveless, then doing Sleeves. I don't think it should take that long, but I can't guarantee how quickly I'll get through them.
I finished my OC Relm's boots on all frames:
They can be found here as "Rimmed Boots", "Fold Boots", and "Boots Plating":
Boots Plating I don't have a better name for. Its basically its just a metal plating for the bottom of the boots along with a steel toe). I'm thinking I want to make another fix where I reduce the size of the toes of the boots to mesh with the feet, but I haven't done that yet.
I have also finished the Basic Shoes, which already existed but were missing the remaining frames. Most of them are just based on ElizaWy's boots. By "finished" I mean added on Climb, Jump, Run, etc. However, the PR is not merged yet. Said PR is also renaming a few Shoes to provide less confusion;
"Boots 2" and "Shoes 2" will be renamed Revised Boots and Shoes, while "Boots" and "Shoes" will be "Basic" Boots and Shoes. That's just because those are the older versions of them, while the newer versions were Eliza's LPC Revised so I called them Revised Boots/Shoes. Just makes more sense that way.
I started cleaning up Sara's Shoes a bit, hopefully I can have those and Basic Boots done in a couple of days. Once I finish those and the last three (Slippers, Sandals, Ghillies) I'll drop a release on OGA containing all of them.
I went ahead and released the Socks and Shoes update now:
I started cleaning up the existing shirt assets now, lots of stray pixel issues. I'll gradually work on male shirts as I'm doing this, starting with Sleeveless. It may still take a bit longer to get the Male shirts ready, but I am actively working on it until I release this one. Once I do release Male Shirts, though, I'll probably take another break to work on other personal projects.