Items, door, fire, weapon hits
Wednesday, February 10, 2010 - 23:40
Art Type:

These sounds were made by Jute for DungeonHack. They are based on sounds from

These sounds were made by Jute for DungeonHack. They are based on sounds from
I used several of these in my project. Thanks!
Have you produced these sounds yourself? Because the repository version of DungeonHack says that its "assets are licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3", yet it includes numerous non-free sfx files, such as grassland.ogg and grassland3.ogg, which have tags saying " Preview", implying that they were stolen from site's preview player, without paying any money for them, and even if money were paid, such royalty free assets cannot be released under GPLv3 license. Other assets are of similarly dubious origins, as say MonsterRoar.wav is a very recognizable sfx, that comes from Sound Ideas Series 6000 General - CD3 - 37 - "bobcat growl. animal".
@Qubodup: Can you shed some light on the source and license of these sound effects? Until then, I have to mark this as having a licensing issue.
What is going on with the licensing of these?
No idea, OmeroIvey joined and made a few of these claims.
IIRC, qubodup is a (former?) mod, so he is less likely to post something with a copyright problem.
Description says "These sounds were made by Jute for DungeonHack.", I assume instead of some random sounds picked from the game, they are sounds created for the game. So dubious-ness of DungeonHack sound assets shouldn't affect this. But who knows...
@Mold: Agreed. Omerolvey did point out some legit copyright issues, but not here on this submission that I can see. Dungeon Hack may indeed have some problematic sound effects, but the ones identified are not present in this package. I'm lifting the licensing flag, but I would appreciate everyone who is familiar with the non-free sound effects mentioned could take a look at this package and listen for any effects that may be an issue.
Thank you for making this! I used Hit_3 in one of my games. If you are interested, you can check it out on the App Store or Google Play.